Friday, May 31, 2019

Emily Dickinson :: essays research papers

EMILY DICKINSONEmily Dickinson lived in an era of Naturalism and Realism (1855-1910). She lived in a period of The Civil War and the Frontier. She was affected by her smell and the era she lived in. She as well had many deaths in her family and thats part of the reason that she was in truth morbid and wrote about death. Emily Dickinson grew up in Amherst, Massachusetts in the nineteenth century. As a child she was brought up into the Puritan way of life. She was born on December 10, 1830 and died fifty-six years later. Emily lived isolated in the house she was born in turf out for the short time she attended Amherst Academy and Holyoke Female Seminary. Emily Dickinson never married and lived on the reliance of her buzz off. Dickinson was close to her sister Lavinia and her brother Austin her whole life. nigh of her family were members of the church, but Emily never wished to become one. Her closest friend was her sister-in-law Susan. Susan was Emilys personal critic as long as Emily was writing she asked Susan to look her poems over.Emily Dickinson was affected by her life for several reasons. One of the reasons was that she was never married, though she went through many serious relationships, she never settled down. Another reason that she was affected by her life was that her flummox was not emotionally accessible. She was not close to her mother and never shared any of her feelings with her, which most daughters feel they can. This might have caused Emily to be very weird and strange. The Dickinson children were also raised in the Christian tradition, and were expected to take up their fathers religious beliefs and values without any fighting or arguing. Emily did not like than she can not chose for herself her own beliefs and religion. Emily did not enjoy the popularity and excitement of the public life, unlike her father. So she began to pull away from it. In the front of strangers Emily could be shy, silent or even depreciating. Emily felt that s he did not fit in with her and her fathers religion in Amherst especially when he father started to censor the books she read because of their potential to draw her away from faith. Emily had no extended exposure to the world outside of her hometown. Besides the one trip she took to Philadelphia (which was only payable to her eye problems) and occasional trips to Washington and Boston.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The study of Massage/ Kinesiology Essay -- essays research papers

There argon many aspects on the study and meaning of kinesiology. some of these ways are applied kinesiology, kinesiology medicine research, and alter and energy kinesiology. The study kinesiology and massage therapy is regardd to go hand and hand. Many will say that without the proper acquaintance of kinesiology and muscle movements, you can not provide a patent with all that is needed for a proper massage. As we approach new years, many individuals are increasing their concern in health. With the healing arts increasing in popularity, individuals dont understand the need for well-rounded therapist. Who are trained in the science of kinesiology, which includes the technique of massage to enable them to be proficient in their field. During the early 1900s, the practice of medical science became accepted in our society. Many of the Swedish massage was mingled in with those of medical doctors and medical practices. (A type of mechano-therapy emerged of a combination with other t herapist preformed by a physician or a obligates assistant.) Over time, these practices were absorbed into what would be general medicine. In the 1920s Masseurs and Masseuses had lost most of their market to doctors. They mainly found work with wealthy individuals who wanted a general, relaxing form of massage. After World War ll, a group of massage operators formed the American Association of Masseurs and Masseuses. This later became the forerunner of nowadayss American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA). The goal of these associations is to raise the status of massage as a unique and effective treatment for healing. In the eighties the AMTA was formed. The first thing they did was establish a code of ethics and change their titles from masseurs and masseuses to massage therapist. Now the profession of massage is enjoying renewed vigor and influence in alternative medicine. Recent trends have pointed the continuing promise and growth of massage therapy as a health care career.Ap plied kinesiology is the scientific study of sinewy movement, physical activities and the anatomy, physiology, and mechanics of the movement of body parts. Kinesiology was first created by the American/Italian chiropractor Anthony Gil in Milano, Italy. This relatively new study has many different branches of specialized studies. Many similar goals of kinesiology are to restore normal nerve functions, have... ...ning again. I believe that the medical aspects of life and quality in general are oft more looked at today then they have been in past years. The work of massage along with the knowledge of kinesiology has improved our modern medicines and is one of the outflank impacts we have today for healthier lifestyles. The way physical touch in massage keeps your body and mind more together is on of the best ways to impact not only the person receiving the massage, but therapist also. If a person has never had a massage, and was to get on for the first time, I believe they will go more often, just because of the feeling you have after opposed to the feeling you had before. There is such a large amount of individuals who are looking for massage therapist. Having a natural talent will really benefit our society with a healthier and relaxing state of body and mind. I truly know that with massage/kinesiology you are able to open your bodily needs better ,and become more capable of enjoying the time you have with nation you work with to make your own personality complete. These alternative medicines are the best ways to get the flow of energy moving to able yourself to feel the likes of your own utopia.

Shelley and the Quest for Knowledge :: Biography Biographies Essays

Shelley and the Quest for Knowledge Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, was the daughter of the motif feminist, Mary Wollstonecraft, and the political philosopher, William Godwin, and the married woman of the Romantic poet, Percy Bysshe Shelley. Through these familial affiliations, she was also acquainted with Lord Byron, Samuel T. Coleridge, and other literary figures such as Charles and Mary Lamb. Surrounded by such prestigious literary and political figures of the Romantic Age, it is non surprising that as an adolescent, at the age of 19, she wrote Frankenstein. Though critically a failure, (British Critic,1818 and Monthly Review, 1818) the novel has never been come out of the closet of print and has been translated into numerous languages. What is surprising, however, is the enormous body of knowledge contained in the novel. The novel contains references to the fields of literature, poetry, science, education, politics, history, and mythology. How did such a young girl, living a l ife considered chastely objectionable to society and harassed by family and financial burdens, acquire such a vast amount of knowledge in all fields of landing field that encompassed the important issues of her day? Through examination of biographical information and Mary Shelleys journal entries, we will be able to answer this question. Following, I also devise to highlight Mary Shelleys knowledge of literature with primary emphasis on the works studied by the monster in relation to his origins as thoroughly as Mary Shelleys. Mary Shelley was born with notoriety simply by being named Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin. Her parents were well known and somewhat suspect individuals due to their radical political beliefs and writings, such as Wollstonecrafts Vindication of the Rights of Women and Godwins Enquiry Concerning the Nature of Political Justice. Mary Shelleys mother died from complications shortly after giving birth to Mary. The infamy of her instauration was heightened by her fathers subsequent publication of Memoirs of the Author of the Rights of Women. In this work, William Godwin described many aspects of Mary Wollstonecrafts existence in great detail such as her family relationship with an American and subsequent birth of an illegitimate daughter, her suicide attempts, and the fact that she was already pregnant with Mary when William Godwin married her. To our late 20th Century sensibilities we may not approve of these behaviors but we certainly dont consider then shocking or extraordinary. The above mentioned events, however, occurred in the late 1700s and were not morally acceptable, were abhorrent to the conventions of society, and were certainly not to be discussed or published in a memoir.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Evaluate proposals for reducing environmental air pollution by energy E

Evaluate proposals for reducing environmental air pollution by energy tax revenue and emissions trading.Pollution is shitd as a by-product of output in most industries. Itcan be described as an external cost to the economy as its existencecauses a loss of welfare to the population as a whole, and, in a freemarket, this loss of welfare will generally go uncompensated. However, that does not mean that the optimum level of pollution iszero, contrary to the environmentalist presumption, as this would meanthat economical activity would have to be zero and this is illogical. Therefore, an optimum level of pollution and corresponding economicactivity has to be found. According to the Pareto efficient, theideal allocation of resources occurs when nobody can be made better aside without making someone else worse off. In the case of pollutionproduction, this can alike be defined as the point of production wherethe marginal fire private benefit (MNPB) of the polluter is equal tothe marginal external cost (MEC) as a whole, as shown on diagram 1, atthe level of economic activity Q*. The polluters total net privatebenefit from production is illustrated on diagram 1 as the area belowthe MNPB dilute and total external cost is the area below the MECcurve. Using this analysis, we can see that A is the largest area ofnet benefit available, thus confirming that Q* is the optimal level ofactivity. However, without regulation in this market it is likely thepolluter will continue to operate at Q to maximize their own privatebenefits, although this will create an unacceptable level of externalcosts. Therefore, the government faces several policy choices in orderto regulate pollution and keep it at an optimal l... ...mits arealso effective in lowering emissions, but only if they are auctionedoff and tradable in the market. If there is grandfathering (givingpermits only to established firms in the industry) or output groundallocation present then this would incur a greater cost t o the economythan auctioning off permits, thus increasing the optimum level ofemissions.Bibliography* Banzhaf, Burtraw & Palmer, Capping Emissions Where Efficiency and unexclusive Interest Intersect, Public Utilities fortnightly, 1st Dec 2002* Pearce & Turner, Economics of natural resources and the environment, Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1990* Pindyick & Rubinfeld, Microeconomics 2nd edition, Macmillan, 1992* Parry. I, Are Tradable Emissions Permits a Good Idea? Resources for the future Issue legal brief 02-33* DTI, Energy White Paper, TSO, Feb 2003*

My Generation Essay -- essays research papers

My GenerationEvery group receives a name, whether it is a club or organization, plants, animals or people. No matter what it is, it result receive a label so that it can be referred to easily. For instance, those born between the years 1977 and 1997 were given the title of the Digital Generation. This label was attained because of the widespread technology that is operable to them from birth. The Digital Generation is not only about the Internet and technology, but is also about high determine, a strong belief in self-expression and spirituality.The values of past generations have been very self-centered. Yet Generation D, as it is called, believes in equal rights for all and a strong connection with family and friends. Yet they be so materialistic that the older generations see them as floozies with credit cards. This is one of the reasons why there are so many equal rights activists today. Never ahead has there been such a range of reasons to stand up for ones right. For inst ance, there are so many organizations to stop violence against people race, creed, sexuality, gender, nationality, etc., are irrelevant. at presents youth is acquainted with many different people, but they only share close connections with a select few. A person of this generation will know many people and be friendly with them, however the personally association is only present with the people that have been known for an extended period...

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Christianity, Islam and Terrorism :: Threats To World Peace

The ongoing conflicts in Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and other countries of the Middle East and Africa have influenced Ameri bottom public intuitive feeling against Muslims. There is a fundamental misconception of what exactly Islam sanctions, encourages, and allows. The tenets of the Islamic faith are, of course, different than those of Christianity, which prevails in America today. However, the two faiths share much in common and there is no rational reason to view Islam as an extremist faith, any more than Christianity should be viewed that way. How do Christianity and Islam differ, and how are they connatural? What common ground can be reached between two cultures that clash so violently? While Islam and Christianity are unique and differ in many ways, the two faiths share similar features, that when analyzed rationally, can unite the two cultures under the banner of understanding. The faith of Islam centers itself in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, just as Christianity does. Old Testament stories bulge in the holy book of Islam, the Quran, as well as New Testament events. Islam does not dispute the veracity of the Bible, merely adds to it. As a outlet of fact, Islam itself claims Old Testament roots. In the Old Testament legend of Abraham, Sara, and Hagar, Abraham has two sons Ismail (Ishmael) and Isaac. Muslims claim the line of Ismail as their ancestor, and the Quran states, We shall worship Thy Allah and the Allah of thy fathers, of Abraham, Ismail and Isaac, - the one (True) Allah. To Him we give in (in Islam). 1 Father Abraham is held in high regard in the faith of Islam. It is written in the Holy Quran, Also mention in the Book (the story of) Abraham He was a man of Truth, a prophet.2 Jesus is also frequently mentioned in the Quran, not as the son of theology, but as a prophet. The miracles He performed are acknowledged as divine acts of God that occurred through him, and it is also acknowledged that he was subject to disbelief at the time. According to the Quran, God (or Allah) says to Jesus, O Jesus the son of Mary Recount My favour to thee and to thy mother. Behold I strengthened thee with the Holy Spirit, so that cat valium didst speak to the people in childhood and in maturity. Behold I taught thee the Book and Wisdom, the Law and the Gospel and behold thou makest out of clay, as it were, the figure of a bird, by My leave, and thou breathest into it and it becometh a bird by My leave, and thou healest those born blind, and the lepers, by My leave.

Christianity, Islam and Terrorism :: Threats To World Peace

The ongoing conflicts in Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and other countries of the Middle East and Africa have influenced American public opinion against Muslims. There is a fundamental misconception of what exactly Islam sanctions, encourages, and allows. The tenets of the Islamic faith are, of course, different than those of Christianity, which prevails in America today. However, the two faiths share much in common and there is no rational reason to view Islam as an extremist faith, any more than Christianity should be viewed that way. How do Christianity and Islam differ, and how are they similar? What common ground can be reached between two cultures that clash so violently? While Islam and Christianity are unique and differ in many ways, the two faiths share similar features, that when analyzed rationally, can unite the two cultures chthonian the banner of understanding. The faith of Islam centers itself in the Old and New wills of the Bible, just as Christianity does. Old Testament stories appear in the holy book of Islam, the Quran, as puff up as New Testament events. Islam does not dispute the veracity of the Bible, merely adds to it. As a matter of fact, Islam itself claims Old Testament roots. In the Old Testament story of Abraham, Sara, and Hagar, Abraham has two sons Ismail (Ishmael) and Isaac. Muslims claim the line of Ismail as their ancestor, and the Quran states, We shall worship Thy Allah and the Allah of thy fathers, of Abraham, Ismail and Isaac, - the one (True) Allah. To Him we bow (in Islam). 1 Father Abraham is held in high hear in the faith of Islam. It is written in the Holy Quran, Also mention in the record (the story of) Abraham He was a man of Truth, a prophet.2 Jesus is also frequently mentioned in the Quran, not as the son of God, but as a prophet. The miracles He performed are acknowledged as augur acts of God that occurred through him, and it is also acknowledged that he was subject to disbelief at the time. According to the Qura n, God (or Allah) says to Jesus, O Jesus the son of Mary separate My favour to thee and to thy mother. Behold I strengthened thee with the Holy Spirit, so that thou didst speak to the people in childhood and in maturity. Behold I taught thee the Book and Wisdom, the Law and the Gospel and behold thou makest out of clay, as it were, the figure of a bird, by My leave, and thou breathest into it and it becometh a bird by My leave, and thou healest those born(p) blind, and the lepers, by My leave.

Monday, May 27, 2019

History report Essay

1. Life in the big cities of Europe when Columbus set sail in 1492 were unhealthy, unsanitary, and very brutal conditions. many another(prenominal) poor and people who couldnt support themselves would starve to death and also many people were dying of diseases that were spreading through the cities. For most of its people a land of violence, squalor, tr to each oneery, and intolerance. In-migration from the countryside was a vital part to if the cities were to be saved from going extinct. Conditions with famine were harsh.The rich ate, and ate to excess, watched by a thousand ravenous eyes as they consumed their gargantuan meals. The rest of the population starved The slightest fluctuation in food price could cause the sudden death of thousands. 2. If one ventured out-of-door the cities of Europe to the countryside, the quality of life was no better. Areas such as Castile and Andalusia were wracked with harvest failures that brought on mass death. With the harsh conditions peopl e frequently turned on each other during witchcraft hysteria.Because of the dismal social conditions and prevailing social values it was a place filled with malice and hatred, temporarily bound by the mass in order to harry and persecute the local witch. 3. The wealthy of Europe were preoccupied by their need for foreign luxuries. The wealthy were after silver and gold, duration on Columbuss expedition that is what they were out to seek. The crusades had begun four centuries earlier, had increased the appetites of affluent Europeans for foreign luxuries. Columbus had set on his expedition and reached The cutting bolt down but the native people he encountered did not have an abundance of gold like he had expected. Columbus came up with the system called the requerimento, to help aid the Native Americans into finding gold. If they objected to the offer they would make war against the Native Americans and kill or taken slaves. 4. Columbuss first impression on the New World was th at it was filled with new opportunities and was beautiful.He wasnt used to the different ways of the Native Americans many didnt wear clothing and were not as progressed or as modernized. C Columbuss landing in the new world was significant to the Catholic Church in Spain because, Each clip the Spanish encountered a native individual they were ordered to read to the Indians a statement informing them of the truth of Christianity and the necessity to swear immediate allegiance to the pontiff and to the Spanish crown. 5.The requerimiento in a way was just an excuse to be brutal to the natives because the Spanish usually didnt wait for them to even respond and they were designate into chains, also they didnt understand the language so they had no opportunity to reply. The disease that most likely killed the Native Americans on the second voyage was malaria. The causa Spaniards werent as affected was because the Natives hadnt built up immunity to the diseases they were being exposed to.Samuel Eliot Morison diagnosed it as either malaria or something caused by drinking sound water or eating strange fish. 6. Yes, I think these words in a way apply to what the Spanish did to the native people they encountered. I think this because they were being unreasonable and for no reason being very brutal to the natives and killing them and taking them as prisoners. They werent even given a fair chance the Spanish invaded the natives land and took everything from them because of their consuming greed for gold.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Dinosaurs and Man May Have Co-Existed

Dinosaurs and Man may have Co-existed It has been a constant debate in the midst of creationists and evolutionists on how obsolete the worldly concern is. Evolutionists believe that nation was created over 4. 5 billion years agone while, creationists believe in a young earth created only about 6,000 years old. With that debate is the argument on when the dinosaurs walked the earth. Evolutionism teaches that humans and dinosaurs lived zillions of years apart from each some other.What m whatsoever people argon not alert of is that there exists a considerable body of evidence that supports the Biblical account of humans and dinosaurs living at the said(prenominal) sentence and even interacting with each other. well-nigh of this evidence suggests that this may still be happening today in certain parts of the world give care the African Congo. (1) Dinosaurs are often portray as having lived in a time before man. However, the available evidence shows that man and dinosaur coex isted. Legends of dragons are gear up among most people groups.For example, there are the stories of vitamin B and the dragon, the Kulta of Australian aborigines, St. George and the dragon, and of course many Chinese legends. Often, the anatomical descriptions given are consistent, even though they come from separate continents and various times. (2) These depictions match what we know from the dodo evidence of certain dinosaurs. Thus, dinosaurs are known directly from their fossils, and indirectly from cave drawings, tapestries, textiles, figurines, carvings, bas reliefs, and many oral and compose eyewitness accounts, most of which are quite old. 2) picking up just about any book on dinosaurs, and it will say that dinosaurs lived from 230 million to 65 million years ago. Thats always state as a fact, but how do they know? The ages of dinosaur fossils are determined by the layer of quiver in which they are rig. How do they know how old the rock layer is? It is usually the ca se that when layers of rock are piled up upon each other, the bottom one is the oldest, and the top one is the youngest, because the bottom one had to be there before the other ones formed on top of it.So, one can make a cross-sectional cut through a rock formation, examine the layers, and be reasonably confident that the lower layers formed before the upper layers (3). The questions are, How long did it take for each layer to form? and, How much time elapsed between layers? Traditionally, geologists have used the geologic column to answer these questions. Although the rapid formation of rock layers is an obvious fact, it makes evolutionists uncomfortable because it isnt compatible with a neat uniformitarian explanation.If rock layers form rapidly in short periods of time, separated by longer time intervals of undetermined length, which makes it impossible to tell how long ago the rock layers were formed. Geologists are coming to the consensus that fossil-bearing rock layers were produced rapidly, and that there were unknown periods of time between the rock layers (3). Therefore, most of geologic time is represented by the rocks that arent there. Geologists have given traditional dates to sedimentary rock layers.They do that based upon the kind of fossils found in the rocks, and the evolutionary assumptions of the stages through which life developd, and how long it took to evolve through each stage. The fossils in a sedimentary rock layer tell you what kinds of critters were living in that area at the time they were buried by a flood, landslide, or sandstorm (3). The geological dating and correlation of the geologic column is based on the assumption that all the wildlife living all over the world is the same at any given time.Therefore, floods, landslides, and sandstorms that occur in North America, South America, Africa, Europe, and Asia, will all bury the same kind of critter in any given year. (3) Believe it or not, dinosaur footprints, and the footprin ts of man, are found in the same strata, in the very same formation, in some cases only 18 inches apart, at a geological dig in Glen Rose, Texas, called the Paluxy River Bed. The ancient footprints of man at the site are found to be evenly spaced, and go under overhanging shale formations, act under the formations, and have been excavated. 4) Dinosaurs were verbalize to have lived 250 million to 65 million years ago because their bones are found in rocks that are said to be Triassic, Jurassic, or Cretaceous. Rocks are classified as Triassic, Jurassic, or Cretaceous because they contain fossils that evolutionists presume were alive all over the Earth only during those periods of time. If you found a rock with a dinosaur bone in it, you would not be able to convince an evolutionary geologist that it was anything other than a Triassic, Jurassic, or Cretaceous rock.If radioisotope dating indicated the rock was less than 65 million years old, or more than 250 million year old, the evol utionist would flatly reject the radioisotope date. It is a fundamental article of confidence that dinosaurs lived 250 to 65 million years ago. (3) New evidence from the Paluxy river bed in Glen Rose, Texas, as well as from South America, Mexico, and California, demonstrates beyond any doubt that dinosaurs and public co-existed, and walked the planet earth at the very same time during the age of man.Believe it or not, dinosaur footprints, and the footprints of man, are found in the same strata, in the very same formation, in some cases only 18 inches apart, at a geological dig in Glen Rose, Texas, called the Paluxy River Bed. The ancient footprints of man at the site are found to be evenly spaced, and go under overhanging shale formations, continuing under the formations, and have been excavated (4). How is it possible that human footprints found in Mexico, Arizona, Texas, Illinois, New Mexico, Kentucky, and other states, are in rocks supposedly 250,000,000 years old (4) Winkie P ratney inCreation or Evolution?Part III, the Fossil Record discusses the mysterious dinosaur tracks and human footprints found close unneurotic at the Paluxy River Bed Though the dino tracks (in the Paluxy River Bed in Glen Rose, Texas, for instance) are real, perhaps the human prints were later clever carvings by Indians. Recent research, however, has shown that they continue under shale bulldozed away, and paleontologists like Dr. Camp of the University of California and Dr. G. Wescott of Ypsilanti, Michigan, have pronounced them genuine.Scores of other similar finds have come in human skulls in the Pliocene strata pollen and anthropods in Pre-Cambrian layers even pictographs of a dinosaur among other animals on ancient canyon walls, which would knock some 70 million years out of the geologic column (Acts, p. 15, June 1996). (4) Since dinosaurs supposedly died out 65 million years ago, it is not possible that anyone in historic times has ever seen a living dinosaur. But what if p eople have seen living dinosaurs? Wouldnt that whole refute the assumptions upon which the dating of the geologic column rests?For that reason, it is worth evaluating the evidence that man and dinosaurs might have lived together. If dinosaurs and man lived together, dont you think they would be mentioned in ancient books? Certainly they would. They would not be called dinosaurs because that word wasnt coined until 1841. If they were mentioned, you would expect them to be called something else, but would expect their descriptions to match dinosaurs (3). You would expect to read things like this, written by Philostratus (200 230 AD) wrote in theLife of Apollonius of Tyana, Northern India is girt with dragons of enormous size not only are the arshes full of them but the mountains as well and not a single ridge is without one. The dragons of the foothills have crests, of moderate height when young but they grow with them and extend to a great height when they reach full size. The bo dies of the plains dragons are sometimes found with elephants, a great reward for hunters. Their tusks resemble those of swine, but more twisted and sharp. They say that in the skulls of the mountain dragons are stored stones of flow rateery colors that flash out all kinds of hues. They tell us that a great many dragons skulls are enshrined in the center of the great city of Paraka (Peshawar? close by the mountain. (3)For over 2 hundred years there have been reports of a living dinosaur in Africa. This creature, which the natives call Mokele-Mbembe is believed to be a sauropod type of dinosaur (5). sauropod dinosaur means Lizard-Footed dinosaur. Sauropods are four-legged, herbivorous dinosaurs. These incidents were reported long before the word dinosaur was coined, and long before anyone (in this century) knew they existed. If Mokele-Mbembe is a living dinosaur, then it makes the claim of total dinosaur liquidation unfounded.The Congolese people are very familiar with the aquati c dinosaur living in the Likoula swamp region. They call this Apatosaurus-like creature Mokele-Mbembe which meansone who stops the flow of rivers (5). From the size of this awesome beast this name is sure fitting They believe this animal(which they greatly fear)is sacred. This belief is due to the illness and death of many in the pygmy tribe after one was killed with a spear and eaten by the people. Of course, the deaths and illness were probably more likely due to spoilage of its meat.An animal this mammoth could have been eaten for some(prenominal) weeks. (5) Persistent reports of strange creatures in remote, swampy jungles of western Africa have led two scientists to believe that dinosaurs still may walk the Earth. twain historical reports from Westerners and firsthand accounts from natives indicate dinosaur-like creatures may exist today in a virtually unexplored jungle in the Peoples country of the Congo, the researchers said yesterday. Dr. Roy Mackal, a research associate at the University of Chicago, said he believes the animals may be elephant-sized dinosaurs (5). In an article in Science magazine, published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the researchers say natives call the creature Mokele-Mbembe. The researchers say they believe it actually may be a dinosaur that looks like a little version of the brontosaurus, a giant plant-eater that died out 70 million years ago. Natives shown pictures of many kinds of animals picked illustrations of the brontosaurus as most closely resembling the creatures they say they saw, Mackal said. Source warren E. Leary Dinosaurs May Inhabit Remote Jungle. San Diego Union Tribune, Oct 18, 1980 (Washington date Line). as quoted in That their words may be used against them by Henry Morris, pg. 258) Roy Mackal, an American Biochemist (and evolutionist) has headed several expeditions since 1980 to the Likouala swamp. Mackal has collected numerous eyewitness accounts from the Congo natives. Many live in different locations, yet their descriptions of the creature are the same despite lack of talk with each other. Descriptions of the dinosaurs physical appearance and behavioral traits are consistent with each other. (5) I am not at all convinced it has been proven that the dinosaurs became extinct prior to the advent of man.I believe there is much evidence, ancient and modern, to indicate that dinosaurs and human kind existed on earth contemporaneously, and that human beings, while they probably lived in different regions than dinosaurs for the most part, did on many occasions encounter the sometimes huge and fearsome creatures. The memories of these encounters were so vivid and deep that they were passed down in a multitude of cultures as legends, painted on cave walls, represented in pottery, and written of in literature (Quote from Francis Schaeffer (a well known Christian Historian) .Though most are now gone, I believe that some small species of dinosaurs may stil l alive today in remote parts of the world. Works cited page 1. Swift, Dennis. much Evidence That Dinosaurs and Man Co-existed Angelfire Welcome to Angelfire. 2011. Web. 13 Apr. 2011. . 2. Men and Dinosaurs Coexisted. Www. icr. org. Web. 13 Apr. 2011. . 3. Jones, Do-While. The Age of Dinosaurs. Ridgecrest, California Your Community Portal. June 2004. Web. 13 Apr. 2011. lthttp//www. ridgecrest. ca. us/do_while/sage/v8i9f. htm. 4. Keyser, John D. Dinosaurs and Man? intrust of Israel Ministries. Web. 13 Apr. 2011. . 5. Mokele-Mbembe Search Living Dinosaurs Dinosaur Embryos Uncovered. Angelfire Welcome to Angelfire. Web. 13 Apr. 2011. . 6. Warren E. Leary Dinosaurs May Inhabit Remote Jungle. San Diego Union Tribune, Oct 18, 1980 (Washington date Line) Griffin Bearicks Spring semester 2011 April 13, 2011 Geology 1304 Roger Sigler

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Clothing and its importance in Society Essay

There is a truly common saying, The way you dress, you will be judged. Some people do not believe this is true, they say is to a greater extent important your character than your status quo, your thoughts than the car you drive etc. But today, we are living in a actually corrupted and materialist world, where those second things want material possessions and appearance are taking first place on peoples priorities. This is because fashion builds the individuals identity. Thats why we should control that c stilthing and fashion is important today as it was yesterday and will be in the future. For hundreds of years people have put some subject in the type of dress they travail. Long ago people started wanting to stand out from the crowd and be different changing their habiliment. Some examples of these rest out became very popular and were followed by more people. This was the minute of arc when fashion appeared.see moreessay on fashionsNowadays, fashion is defined for Mal colm Barnard a fashion reporter as a constantly changing trend, favored for frivolous rather than practical, logical, or intellectual reasons. Nevertheless, it is necessary to say that at the present moment fashion has a deeper influence on the life of people and possess more than just frivolous reasons for its existence. Clothing has become an integral part of egotism-realization of every somebody. It is no longer just an external shield and a frivolous attitude towards it may cause losing a very important physical, psychological and kind aspect of a somebodys life. This covering is a wishing, a necessity that is dictated by the norms of social conduct. This necessity brings a lot of variety into the lives of people and makes their trope more complete. It is not about people serving fashion it is about fashion creation a slave of people. This is something we should constitute attention.The type of clothing completely depends on the person who is wearing it therefore it becom es a reflection of his perceptual experience of himself, which leads us to the term, personal identity. The choice of clothing and accessories is as important as identification through the color of hair, height, skin and gender. Clothing nowadays is a media of reading about the person wearing it. As every cloth carries a strong message about its owner, every owner nests a real value in it depending on his temperament, mindset or todays mood. Therefore, the clothing of a person is a mean of communication with the outside world. It is the way of telling people about the state of it owner. colloquy is also a sing expressed by clothing. This especially touches extraordinarily in clothing or an obvious lack of taste and vulgarity. Malcolm Barnard in his record forge as communication makes a great work by outlining cultural roles, rules, rituals, and responsibilities that are maintained and constructed by fashion. Fashion is compared to art.It is like an architect that gives his wo rld any shape he desires and at the same time is the reflection of the architects belonging to a certain social level, a certain psychological condition and so on. The message that clothing contains is basically a way of nonverbal communication with gender, good and power aspects. Clothes have an large impact on the perception of people around and on the perception of the person wearing them, too. A meet can make a person feel more confident and organized, which would eventually change even the gestures and the manner of talking of the person or for instance wearing jeans after a suit may change the conduct of a person to a very liberal and feeble one. The perception of people around can be very predictable in terms of their reaction on a person wearing this or that style of clothing. Fashion is one of the most powerful nitty-gritty of communication, which sometimes may play a vital role in the life of a person.So, fashion is a very important tool of function while communicatin g besides its importance in social class, acculturation, sex and gender relations of people. Clothing is a fundamental part in the image of a contemporary man or a woman. The image is constructed for various reasons and has various manifestations. Dressing has become a way to create, to reveal and to conceal information from the external observers. Fashion has always been considered to have more of a women based orientation. As soon as women realized that experimenting with their clothing might bring them the results they need they became the most interested consumers and the demand on womens production increased greatly. Women, have a great impact on the development of fashion worldwide. Of race one of the primary messages clothes carry is the social message. Women throughout the time have tried to make the clothing look more luxurious.Historically the social message has wildly transformed. It is very easily trace in Diana Cranes book Fashion and it social agendas. Nowadays cloth ing is not an allot of belonging to a clan, or to a restrained social level though it still can tell a lot about the monetary status of a person. A person, especially a women is always greeted according to the way is dressed up. Therefore women may cause desirable reaction by knowing the expectations of the opponent. Historically, women wore traditional dresses, which signified their cultural and social status. As for now, traditional clothing has been completely subdued by fashionable clothing. Women clothing in the past had a lot to do with emphasizing femininity, neglecting man-like forms of fecundation. Women become less ladylike but more aggressive and businesslike. A woman is foreign to a man.Women have accepted a lot of clothing styles that propagandize masculinity. Of course there still are women that are the embodiments of tenderness and femininity preserving womens sexuality but nevertheless the general tendency of feminization in todays society has done its work. Equa lity at work, business and governance has transformed the image of a woman greatly. It is no surprise to any of the people who at least know what fashion is that the clothes that people wear are usually very symbolic. The symbolism of clothing is another part of delivering the message that a person tries to put into it. Originally, a symbol is a readiness that is used to express feelings or belonging to some group of class often dealing with power and wealth. Expression of symbols through clothing is a very popular tendency nowadays.Symbolism in clothing may point to the profession the person is dedicated to. The perception of symbols is not the same as the perception of the whole clothing image of an individual, because people may interpret the same symbol differently and therefore the understanding of the carrier of the symbol will be completely different. For instance, a man with a tiger on this T-shit may seem aggressive to one person and a Green Peace instalment for another one. A bird may be a symbol of freedom and somebody can view it a symbol of light-mindedness. Every person has to be very careful with the symbol while visiting a foreign country, due to the double meaning of the symbols that may be offending to the socialisation the person is in. The goal of every symbol is to share information.As every person belongs to a definite culture and has the right to reveal it, personal identity may sometimes be replaced by cultural identity. Clothing in terms of culture is to reveal either the historical roots of a person or the roots the group he belongs to. The oriental-followers are easily defined from the crowd by the specific collars and style of dressing they hold on to. Demonstrating a belonging to a certain cultural community is the free right of every person like people that freely declare who they are issue to vote for. Talking about culture it is possible to mention that nowadays exist material culture that dictates its own ways and code of dressing. The liberation of culture off the borders made the cultural fashion developments increase dramatically. Wearing a cowboy hat may not be a sign of being from Texas, but a sign of political preference.For instance it is very easy to distinguish a European from a Hindu by the style of dressing or an Indian woman from an oriental woman by the distinctive spot on the forehead of an Indian woman and a veil cadaverous by Moslem woman. Fashion has taken the best part of the traditional costumes of every culture and sometimes this leads to propagandizing a definite cultural group. Fashion and identity are inseparable companions. Fashion with all its symbolism and attributes form an outstanding base for personal and cultural identification. Identity is a necessary process of a healthy personality as it is a part of self-realization of a person that is so much required for finding a place in life of every person.Fashion has become a tool for achieving harmony with the inner world an d a way of revealing or concealing peculiarities. Fashion possesses a specific meaning and the more diverse is the society around us the more fashion-trend will appear and surprise us. As long as it does not hurt people around fashion symbols are acceptable, nevertheless while thinking about fashion and identity it is necessary to remember the ethical side of the issue. Fashion and identity through it still remains a twofold issue but there are a lot of authoritative aspects one can enjoy and share with other people.Reference PageBarnard, M. (2002.) Fashion As Communication. Psychology Press 11New Fetter Lane, London EC4P. Brandley, H. (1997.) New rainments of self African American clothing in the antebellum ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,South. Oxford New York Berg pill, ports. Corrigan, P. (1995). The dressed society clothing, the body and some meanings of the hahaahahhaa world. London Thousands Oaks, Calif SAGE ublicayions. David, G. & Diener, E. (1994)The forge Body Scientific American . PDF document, Retrieved from http// Dilman, I. (1982) Fashion Desire and Anxiety Journal of design ethics. PDF document Retrieved from http// Sasson, R. (2010) Fashion Theory. Success Consciousness . Retrieved from .http//

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Global Warming Report Essay

Over the past few decades scientist know been observing a warm up trend in the over all temperature of the earth. Although the earth has been known to go through warm and cold periods, it seems that we humans be causing the earth to heat up this time. The nursery effect is causing the earth to go through this change trend that we call global warming. The greenhouse effect is caused when the infrared radiation from the sun is imprisoned in atmospheric gasses such as water vapor, railway carbon dioxide, ozone, and methane.All of these gasses escape slowly from the atmosphere, therefore the heat stays here longer in a short of warm airy blanket. Without the occurrence of the greenhouse effect scientist say that the earths average temperature would be around 30 degrees C. or 50 degrees F. there are galore(postnominal) greenhouse gasses that substructure trap the infrared rays of the sun. Carbon dioxide can be released into the atmosphere in several ways, the bulk of it is produce d by car exhaust, deforestation, and the burning of fossil fuels. It is a colorless, odorless, non flammable gas, and it is as well as the most prominent greenhouse gas in earths atmosphere.CO2 is recycled through the earths atmosphere using the mold photosynthesis, which comprises most life on earth possible. Another greenhouse gas is methane and it is one of the most common gasses in the universe. methane is colorless odorless gas that is twinkle than air and is produced by organic decay. Deposits of methane can usually be anchor in areas where lots of natural decay squeezes place, such as swamps, and land fills. each year we add 350-500 million tons of methane to the atmosphere through mining, raising livestock, rice cultivation, and landfills.In fact a cow can release up to a half pound of methane into the air everyday. Nitrous oxide is another colorless and greenhouse gas, however it does smell sweet. It is mostly used medically because it deadens pain, because of this it is called laughing gas. It is released naturally from oceans and by bacteria is soil. It is important to reduce our emissions because nitrous oxide we release today will still be trapped in the atmosphere 100 eld from now. The set of greenhouse gasses are fluorocarbons, that is a general term for any group of synthetic organic compounds that produce fluorine and carbon.These can be found in aerosol cans, refrigerators, and air conditioners. When fluorocarbons are released into the atmosphere they breakdown molecules of the earths ozone layer. The effects of global warming are also good for human beings, because it could increase fare production. The most important factor in crop production is climate, and global warming would facilitate a better climate for the growth of more than crops. It would also create much more space for businesses were there was once ice and harsh climate. Also without global warming the earth temperature would be about 30 degrees F. n average. With gl obal warming there would be far fewer deaths from cold exposer. If global warming caused enough arctic melt then shippers would have many new shortcut routes to take from place to place. After glacier melt we would have access to many new mining areas. However global warming will also have some large negative effects. Such as health concerns, scientist predict that there will be many more deaths from diseases that are irritated by heat, including heart attacks and heatstroke. Another downside to global warming is the amount of flooding that will occur with coastal cities.Scientist have predicted that about a sixth of the country will be under water after global warming has taken full effect. The Maldive Islands are a nation of 1190 islands that are home to over 200,000 people. These islands are only 1. 5 meters above sea level and if global warming occurs then all of those people will have to be relocated. There are many things that we as human beings can do to help prevent global w arming from happening. We can start to take advantage of all the different types of renewable energy instead of burning fossil fuels that pollute the atmosphere in multiple ways.There are many types of clean, efficient, renewable energy sources. There are many energy sources that the earth has provided for us that we need to take advantage of. We need to build more rear turbines, hydro electric plants, and solar power plants. Another way of producing clean energy include using fission through nuclear power to create a clean renewable energy source. Government can also be doing there part by funding research about global warming and raising awareness about how individuals can be doing there part to reduce pollution. In conclusion, Global warming is a very serious thing, it can affect the orld in many different ways. We just need to decide which effects help or harm the world the most and then make an educated choice as to which ones the earth can handle while taking the least amount of stress, and having the best long term effect. Patrick Michaels, The Satanic Gasses total heat Willis, Earths Future Climate Fred Singer, Hot Talk and Cold Science Ronald Bailey, Global Warming and Other Eco Myths

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Reserch paper

For this assignment you must develop a topic, create a thesis relevant to the topic, conduct research to support/ look your thesis, and write a 6-8 page research paper. Remember, this is a research paper, which means youll be employing an informational tone. If youre exploring a controversial topic, be sure to explore both founts and persist as objective as possible. Method 1. First, you must choose a topic. There are links to various topic suggestions in the guidelines folder.Rely on cogitate methods covered in class (freewriting, for example) to help you choose a topic. 2. Next, narrow your pore by developing a thesis inquire. For example, if your topic of choice was abortion, you could focus it by researching information some undifferentiated adult human cells, and how they are making stem-cell research unnecessary. Topic Abortion Thesis Will undifferentiated cells put one over stem-cell research obsolete, thus making scientifically condoned abortions obsolete? 3. Conduct r esearch as discussed in class. 4. sustain your draft, providing the audience with a short history of the topic, the specific discommode you plan to address (remember to remain objective and address all steads), and the details of your issue relative to your thesis focus. Paragraph-by- separate breakdown Intro story (optional) more or less students start with a short, very short, story to draw the reader in before they start their thesis topic. For example, a student who wrote a paper about ethnical profiling starting his paper by talking about a man, Amadou Diallo, walking down the street who was pulled over by cops.The cops asked him for ID, he seek to extract his wallet and they fired 40 rounds on him. In the next paragraph (the introductory paragraph), he began Circumstances such as this indicate that ethnic profiling is a growing concern in our country. With the terrorist attacks of 2001, ethnic profiling is at an all time high. But is it acceptable? His thesis question to what point in time do we allow ethnic profiling for the sake of safety in our country?Paragraph 1, the introductory paragraph introduce topic, provide thesis question Paragraph 2(optional) methodology, i. . how did you acquire your sources? Paragraph 3- history. If youre dealing with a current topic, how did the history of the topic develop? For example, if you were writing a paper about abortion, what has influenced the topic (court cases, religious beliefs, laws passed, etc. ) By using chronological transitions you could effectively break this section up into several paragraphs. Write no more than one page on the history of your topic.Paragraph 3 (optional) perhaps youre dealing with only late-term abortion, in addition to the istory of the subject, you might want to detail the process by which the late-term abortion is completed (this paragraph would be dedicated to process) Paragraph 4 Begin exploring one side of the issue. Present evidence. This section of the paper could incl ude more than one paragraph. You could dedicate a paragraph to each resource supporting one side ot the issue, tor example. No more than 1&1/2 pages for this section Paragraph 5 Begin exploring the other side of the issue.This section of the paper could include more than one paragraph. You could dedicate a paragraph to each resource supporting one side of the issue, for example. No more than 1&1/2 pages for this section Paragraph 6 Compare the data from both sides of the issue. Does any evidence from one side appear to outweigh evidence from the other side? If youre exploring a controversial issue, elaborate one which side seems more viable.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Marriage vs. Single Life Essay

Living a exclusive feel tush be significantly different from being espouse. A marriage traditionally marks the beginning of a family on the other hand, unremarkably being single means that having a different solo life. A single some matchless would have more independence than a wed person. The differences between single and married life range from very small to very large, exactly on that point argon few core contrasts that show the main differences between the two lifestyles. One of the significant differences between married and single life is freedom. People who are married, their life would be much busier than peoples who are single. Married people have to take care of their children and their partners, while single people do not have family. For instance, if married people want to go aside with their friend, they moldiness get permission from their partners, before they go with their friend, whereas single people can spend their time with their friends allwhere and a nytime they want.Married people might keep their job and their relationship might be outstanding, but from their wedding onward they must always think as a husband and wife. The decisions they make affect their future together. The things they buy have an impact on both of their finances. Everything they do must be considered from their husbands or wifes point of view. When people are single, they only have to consider their own interests when making decisions, but they are also short the emotional support that makes hard decisions easier to accept. The second difference between married and single people is free time. Being married is a lot like a second job. They have to work at it for it to be successful. Married couples need dedicated time to communicate with ane another and help each other with their emotional and physical stress.Read more Essay of Marriage and Single LifeThey tend to hang out with their spouses more than they hang out with groups of friends. This is not to mea n that they lose their friends, but they do tend to spend more time at home with one another than they do out and about. Single people have time for themselves therefore, they can choose to spend it with their friends, and they can go on weekend outings or just stay home to playing video game. Married couples may choose to do some things either together or separately, but usually with each others approval, while single people may choose to do some things by themselves. The third difference between single and married people life is the financial responsibility.Married people have more dependent on and responsibilities for their partner, while single people tend to be more independent, and they have much less responsibility. For example, I am single I am responsible for one person myself. If I lose my job, I am the only person who is going to suffer. However, married people have family, so they need to think about and see with their family, before they make any major decisions. Becaus e married people have their spouse and children to care for, this requires a serious promise.This means that day to day decision making is slightly harder for married people than it is for single people. Also, people who are married split their income of each other, so they can solve their financial problems easily than single person. To conclude, the married life and the single life are totally different in three aspects the way of us freedom, free time, and financial responsibility. In my view, married life is improve than single life because married people distribute their problems, and they can solve their problems with the different opinions of one another.

Campbell Soup Case Essay

SynopsisThe Campbell dope up Company has dominated the dope up industry since the ac caller developed a cost-effective method of producing condensed soup products in 1899. Throughout most of the twentieth century, Campbell was cognise as one of the most conservative companies in the United States. In 1980, Campbell startled the job field by selling debt securities for the first time and by embarking on a class to lengthen and glow its historically short product line. Despite a sizable increase in revenues, the diversification program failed to improve Campbells profitability, which prompted the bon tons executives to refocus their attention on their core profession, namely, manufacturing and marketing soup products. Unfortunately, by the balance of the twentieth century, the publics interest in soup was waning.Faced with a shrinking market for its indigenous product, Campbells management team allegedly began using a series of questionable business practices and accoun ting gimmicks to prop up the companys reported profits. A class-action drive filed in early 2000 by disgruntled Campbell stockholders supercharged top company executives with misrepresenting Campbells operating runs in the late 1990s. The principal allegation was that the executives had used a variety of methods to billow the companys revenues, coarse margins, and profits during that time frame. Eventually, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), Campbells independent study firm, was named as a co-suspect in the sheath.The plaintiffs in the class-action casing claimed that PwC had recklessly examineed Campbell, which effectively allowed Campbells executives to continue their adulterous schemes. This case examines the allegations filed against PwC by Campbells stockholders with the primary purpose of illustrating the analyse objectives and procedures that finish and should be applied to a nodes revenue and revenue-related accounts. The case also provides students with important insights on how the PrivateSecurities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 has affected auditors civil indebtedness in lawsuits filed under the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934.Campbell Soup CompanyKey Facts1.During much of its history, Campbell Soup was cognise as one of the most conservative gargantuan companies in the U.S. economy.2. Campbells conservative corporate market-gardening abruptly changed in the 1980s when the company sold debt securities for the first time and embarked on an ambitious program to diversify and expand its product line.3.In the late 1990s, after the diversification program had produced disappointing financial results and when market data indicated that the publics interest in soup was waning, Campbell executives allegedly began using several illicit methods to meet Wall Streets winnings targets for the company.4.A class-action lawsuit filed in 2000 charged that Campbell had offered customers large, period-ending discounts to artificially inflate sales , accounted improperly for those discounts, recorded bogus sales, and failed to record appropriate reserves for anticipated sales returns.5.PwC, Campbells audit firm, was named as a defendant in the class-action lawsuit and was charged with recklessly auditing Campbells financial statements.6.Because the class-action lawsuit was filed under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the federal judge presiding over the case had to decide whether the allegations involving PwC satisfied the brisk plead received established by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.7.The PSLRAs pleading standard requires plaintiffs to plead or allege factssuggesting that there is a strong inference of scienter on the part of a condition defendant.8.To satisfy the PSLRA pleading standard in the Third Circuit of the U.S. regulate Court in which the Campbell lawsuit was filed, a plaintiff, at a minimum, must allege that the given defendant acted with recklessness.9.After reviewing PwCs audit w orkpapers, the federal judge ruled that the plaintiffs had failed to satisfy the PSLRA pleading standard, which resulted in PwC being reject as a defendant in the case.10.In February 2003, Campbell settled the class-action lawsuit by agreeing to pay the plaintiffs $35 million, although company executives denied any wrongdoing.Instructional Objectives1.To demonstrate that even the largest and highest profile audit clients can pose significant audit risks.2.To identify discretionary business practices and accounting gimmicks that can be used to distort a companys reported operating results.3.To identify audit procedures that should be applied to a clients sales and sales-related accounts.4.To examine the implications that the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 has for the civil liability of independent auditors in lawsuits filed under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.5.To examine the concepts of recklessness and negligence in the context of auditors civil liability.S uggestions for white plagueThe high-risk accounts that are the focus of this case are sales and sales-related accounts. This case focuses students attention on schemes that companies can use to enhance their reported operating results. These schemes involve both discretionary business practices and accounting gimmicks. Auditing textbooks broadly ignore the fact that audit clients often manage or manipulate their reported profits by using discretionary business practicessuch as delaying advertising or maintenance expenditures. This case requires students to cost this possibility and consider the resulting audit implications. After discussing this case, I hope my students recognize that companies that use discretionary business practices to rig their profits are likely inclined to use accounting gimmicks for the same purpose.As an out-of-class assignment, you competency ask students to find in the business press recent examples of companies that ready attempted to manage their earnings without violating any accounting or financial reporting rules. Have students present these examples and then discuss them when addressing case question No. 1. I think you testament find that students have very different opinions on whether it is ethical for public companies to massage their income statement data while complying with the technical requirements of GAAP. You might consider advancement this case with the Health Management, Inc., case (Case 1.4). The Health Management case provides a world(a) discussion of the PSLRA. The Campbell Soup case contributes to students understanding of the PSLRA by examining in more than depth the pleading standard established by that federal statute and the impact that standard has on lawsuits filed against auditors under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.Suggested Solutions to Case Questions1. here are a few examples of discretionary business practices that corporate executives can use to influence their companys revenues an d/or expenses.Deferring advertising, maintenance, or other discretionary expenditures until the following period.Slowing down (or accelerating) work on long-term construction projects or contracts for which the percentage-of-completion accounting method is used to recognize revenue.Using economic incentives to stimulate sales nest the end of an accounting period (a technique used by Campbell).Are the practices just listed ethical? Typically, students suggest that since these practices do not violate any laws, GAAP, or other black and white rules, the practices cannot be considered unethicala roundabout way of arguing that they are ethical. That general point-of-view seems consistent with the following remark that Judge Irenas made regarding Campbells period-ending dole out lode There is nothing internally improper in pressing for sales to be made earlier than in the normal course . . . there whitethorn be any number of real reasons for attempting to achieve sales earlier.For what it is worth, I believe that corporate executives who draw out needed maintenance expenses or who postpone advertising programs that would likely produce sizable sales in future periods are not acting in the best interests of their stockholders. In other words, I do not believe such practices are proper or ethical. Likewise, corporate executives who take advantage of the inherent flexibility of the percentage-of-completion accounting method, ostensibly to serve their own economic interests, are not individuals who I would privation serving as stewards of my investments.In my view, it is a little more difficult to characterize the trade loading practices of Campbell as unethical. Why? Because, allegedly, the companys competitors were using the same practice. If Campbell chose not to offer large, period-ending discounts to their customers, the company would likely have lost sales to its competitors. Note Campbells CEO who resigned in 2000 announced in mid-1999 that his company w as discontinuing trade loading.2. I would suggest that companies that use various legitimate business practices to manage their earnings are more given over to use illicit methods (accounting gimmicks, etc.) for the same purpose. As a result, auditors could reasonably consider such business practices as a red flag that mandates more extensive and/or rigorous audit tests. Note passe-partout auditing standards suggest that corporate executives who place excessive emphasis on achieving earnings forecasts whitethorn be prone to misrepresentingtheir companys financial statement data.3.SAS No. 106, Audit Evidence, identifies three categories of management boldnesss implicit in an entitys financial statements that independent auditors should attempt to corroborate by collecting sufficient appropriate audit evidence. The third of these categories is presentation and disclosure. Included in the latter category is the following item Classification and understandability. pecuniary informat ion is appropriately presented and described and disclosures are clearly expressed. AU 326.15 Likewise, one of the five transaction-related assertions is entitled Classification. This latter assertion suggests that, Transactions and events have been recorded in the proper accounts.Here are examples of spin techniques that can be used to enhance income statement data without changing net incomeClassifying cost of goods sold components as SG&A expenses to inflate gross profit on sales.Reporting items that qualify as operating expenses/losings as nonoperating expenses/losses to inflate operating income. (One of the most common variations of this trick in recent years has been including legitimate operating expenses in restructuring losses.)Treating other losses as extraordinary losses to inflate income from continuing operations.4.Shipping to the tempo Year-end sales cutoff tests are intended to identify misclassification of sales occurring near the end of a clients fiscal year. Audit ors will typically choose a small sample of sales that the client recorded in the final few days of the fiscal year and a similar sample of sales that occurred in the first few days of the new fiscal year. Then, the relevant fare and other accounting documents for those sales will be inspected to get back that they were recorded in the proper period. This standard test might have revealed the fact that Campbell was booking some unusually large sales near the end of accounting periods.Even though the shipping documents for these sales might have suggested that they were valid period-ending sales, a curious auditor might haveinvestigated the sales further. For example, that auditor might have attempted to determine whether the resulting receivables were collected on a timely basis. During the course of such an investigation, the auditor would likely have observed that the sales were reversed in the following period or dealt with in some other unaccepted way.Accounts receivable co nfirmation procedures might also have resulted in the find of these sales. Customers to whom such sales were charged would likely have identified them as differences or discrepancies on returned confirmations. Subsequent investigation of these items by the auditors may have revealed their true nature. As pointed out by the plaintiffs in this case, during physical inventory counting procedures auditors typically take notice of any inventory that has been segregated and not countedfor example, inventory that is sitting in set trucks. If there is an unusually large fare of such segregated inventorywhich was apparently true in this case, the auditors should have inquired of the client and obtained a reasonable explanation. The old, reliable scanning year-end transactions to identify large and/or unusual transactions might also have led to the discovery of Campbells sales shipped to the yard.Guaranteed sales During the first few weeks of a clients new fiscal year, auditors should revi ew the clients sales returns and allowances account to determine whether there are any unusual trends apparent in that account. Auditors should be particularly cognizant of unusually high sales returns and allowances, which may signal that a client overstated reported sales for the prior accounting period. Accounts receivable confirmation procedures may also result in auditors discovering an unusually high rate of charge-backs by the clients customers.In some cases, clients will have written contracts that document the key features of sales contracts. Reviewing such contracts may result in the discovery of guaranteed sales or similar transactions. Finally, simply discussing a clients sales policies and procedures with client force out may result in those personnel intentionally or inadvertently tipping off auditors regarding questionable accounting practices for sales, such as shipping to the yard or guaranteed sales.5. Here are definitions of negligence and recklessness that I hav e referred to in suggested solutions for questions in other cases. These definitions were taken from the following source D.M. Guy, C.W. Alderman, and A.J. Winters, Auditing, Fifth Edition (San Diego Dryden, 1999), 85-86. failure The failure of the CPA to perform or report on an engagement with the due professional burster and competence of a prudent auditor. Recklessness A serious occurrence of negligence tantamount to a flagrant or reckless departure from the standard of due care.After reviewing the definition of negligence, ask your students to dress or describe a prudent auditor. Then, ask them whether they believe that definition/description applies to the PwC auditors assigned to the 1998 Campbell audit.Here are two hypothetical examples drawn from this case involving what I would characterize as reckless auditors.A client employee tells PwC auditors that many year-end sales are guaranteed and that no reserve has been established for the large amount of returns that will lik ely be produced by those sales. PwC decides not to investigate this allegation because of manpower constraints on the engagement. bit reviewing receivables confirmations returned by Campbell customers, PwC auditors discover that approximately one-fourth of those customers indicate that their balances include charges for large amounts of product purchased near the end of the year, product that they did not order or receive. PwC dismisses this unusually large number of similar reported differences as a coincidence.6.Here is a list of key parties that have been affected by the PSLRA.Investors who suffer large losses that they believe were caused by reckless or fraudulent conduct on the part of a given companys management team, its auditors, or other parties associated with the companys financial statements. At least(prenominal) some of these investors have likely found it moredifficult and costly to recover their losses because of the rampart to securities lawsuits erected by the PSL RA. Note Granted, the PSLRA has little impact on the ability of investors to recover losses in those cases involving obvious gross fraud or malfeasance by corporate management or other parties.Some parties have argued that the PSLRA diminishes the boilers suit efficiency of the stock market. These parties argue that by making it more difficult for investors to file lawsuits under the 1934 Securities Act, the PSLRA has resulted in a larger portion of scarce investment capital being squandered by despotic corporate executives, which, in the long run, diminishes the strength of our economy and our nations standard of living.Generally, corporate executives have benefited from the PSLRA since it has reduced, to some degree, their exposure to civil liability.As pointed out in the Health Management, Inc., case (Case 1.4), the PSLRA apparently has not been very beneficial to large accounting firms. For whatever reason, in recent years, there has been a general upward trend in federal secu rities cases alleging accounting irregularities. Not only are independent auditors more likely to be named as defendants in such cases, the settlements in those cases tend to be considerably high than in other lawsuits filed under the federal securities laws.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Internet Marketing Tchibo Case

ethics Ideas Case A moral philosophy thinker is an innovative image of interacting with the consumers e additionally for a retail company like ethical motive. Usually, consumer harvest-time companies like P&G flummox a wide range of consumer goods and sell their products in retail lineages owned by other companies like Walter. The retailers also produce goods under private labels and sell them in their stores. But, Thatchs business computer simulation is really different. Ethics produces its own products, though it outsource production. It sells its own products and introduces new products both week.It uses Ethics ideas to produce some its products. The Ethics ideas bring in high value to Ethics as a retailer, producer and brand. As a retailer, it is very important to understand the consumer and their problems and preferences. This requires expensive and extensive merchandise investigate. When consumers post their require and problems, it considers their preferences an d buying behavior. This enables Ethics to understand what customers want and need. As mentioned in the skid this would reduce the trade and consumer research expenses by 20% to 30%.The customer feedback, comments and response to a particular(a) Ethics idea sustain the company to come up tit fairly accurate sales projections. It also helps to understand where the competitors stand. The problems of consumers reflect the semiconductor gap in that particular atomic number 18a. It helps to understand why the competitors are non regularly producing the goods that are brought up in the Ethics ideas. Uncertainty regarding acceptance of a particular product in the market is greatly reduced by Ethics ideas.Ethics as a retailer tries to understand the market demands, and Ethics ideas help to identify much of untapped market potential. Ethics ideas are highly valuable to Ethics as a manufacturer as sound. The products that serve as solutions for customers problems are innovated and desig ned by professionals participate in the Ethics ideas. This greatly reduces the costs and efforts to conk out products that would father the potential to address market problems. As Ethics refreshes its product lines every(prenominal) week, it requires a very dynamic innovation and raisement work.Ethics ideas contribute to the efforts of product development at Ethics. It leverages the creativity of general and professional people and integrates everyones work. The large number of products that are introduced every year required the production to be fast paced. It is not easy for other companies to introduce such overgenerous number of products in such short time periods. A specific product has to be produced in small quantities compared to the products pass judgment to run for an indefinite time period. Thus, Ethics outsource the production and tush easily launch new products or change its current product lines.Ethics ideas bring a allot of value to Ethics as a brand. First , it uniquely positions the Ethics brand in market. Filling the store shelves with products that are designed by the consumers for the consumers reflects that the consumer is close important for Ethics. The customers feel that Ethics pays them unparalleled attention. This increases consumers trust for the brand. The concept of weekly launch of new products compels the customers to visit the Ethics stores every week, whether it is due to a need for a particular product or it is the curiosity to see what is new in a Ethics store.It brings in the surprise element and enables the customers to feel excited for their next visit to Ethics. It is believed that Germans like spontaneous shop. The Ethics ideas spread out the brand an image of an innovator, which is reputable for a retail company. The consumers expect Ethics to be highly innovative. It is expected to address problems that are not heard and addressed by other companies. This makes the Ethics brand applicable for almost every person. It is not like apparel or a car company that is pertinent to merely clothing and transportation requirements of people.This is very important in a country where people essay emphasis on individualism, as consumers get an opportunity to find products that suit their personal nature, entrust and requirement. Instead, Ethics is relevant to every German who has access to Internet. The brand builds a strong relation with every consumer ND significantly increases brand loyalty. Reducing the life of a product to one week greatly reduces the risks posed by a product failure. A failed product would be easily forgotten and would not leave a dark impression of failure on the companys image.Ethics ideas enable Ethics to achieve a feat that would be eve difficult for competitors to imitate. Unless the competitors replicate the Ethics Ideas model, Ethics would enjoy competitive payoff over every other retailer. Its unique positioning in the market significantly increases Thatchs bran d power. The Ethics ideas are equally, if not more, valuable for the consumers. The people support the power to express their problems and needs in straw man of other people and a company, who would work hard to crystallise the problems. People can now actually expect someone to think about their problem.People know that for a large corporation, it is not executable to solve to everyones problems. But Ethics changes this perception of a roughhewn man. The Ethics provides a place of surprise obtain and fun. Ethics changes the shopping experience completely. They can expect to be pleasantly surprised in a Ethics store as well as find something that would not be available anyplace else. It would make the consumers feel proud to buy things that were produced because they raised the issue. Apart from the intangible benefits for the consumer, Ethics ideas also have tangible benefits for the consumer.The products that are produced due to Ethics ideas are born from peoples actual pro blems. These problems are faced by common man in every day life as well as special occasions. A market usually comes up with products at the interface of supply and demand. Most of the suppliers are interested to enter most profitable and high volume markets. Due to this, the consumers are compelled o be satisfied, in many instances, with whatever is available in the market. For example, traditional producers of electric extension plug boards would not be interested to produce the multi strip electric board due to small volume of demand for such boards.But, because Ethics is capable of producing goods in small quantities, the number of problems that could be addressed in the market increases significantly. This creates certain amount of value for the consumers in the market, especially as Ethics ideas could be regarding any kind of goods. non only are the problems solved, but also the cost of most goods is very reasonable. This compels other companies to weigh intemperately on th e power of customer satisfaction and come up with products that would solve peoples problems.The Ethics ideas allow the common people to listen to other peoples problems and think over to find a solution for them. This is not only challenging but also rewarding. The person whose idea is commercialese gets a part of earnings as well as recognition on the products packaging. These rewards, though criticized by some, seem to be highly valuable for most of the people. It might not be even possible for many to commercialism their ideas. This could be made feasible for a large portion of the population only through Ethics ideas.It greatly diminishes the hurdles of innovating, producing and counterclaiming a product in the market. Ethics should continue with the Ethics Ideas and refine the whole process. It could, strategically, confine itself to some particular target segments and thus increase its efficiency. The market research and data gathered due to the Ethics ideas is very valuable and should be used to develop successful product lines for Thatchs own products. It is helpful to leverage peoples ideas and problems to develop maximum umber of products that could be efficiently sold in consistency with the one-week business model.The weekly system makes it unique and nearly impossible for the competitors to replicate the model in a profitable way. It is mentioned in the case that some people wait for particular yearly occasions for specific themed shopping. It would be helpful to develop a strategy to separate the weekly product lines from the themes repeated every year. This might prevent divergence of business in weeks prior to festivals, as people might not substitute festival shopping with the weekly shopping.The themes of weekly product lines could be more focused around the core functionality of the products. A cogitation indicates that only 26%iii of Europeans think that the home ware, food and drink and electronics sectors of E-business offer good servi ce. integrating of Ethics Ideas and the Direct Ethics offering satisfactory online service would be welcomed by most in Europe. The Ethics ideas website should be designed to be more interactive than it is. Higher engagement of users would help to cave in understand the user as well as competitors willingness to address the problems.The users could e asked to answer a questionnaire, which could have questions like Have you tried to find a solution to your problem before? If yes, where and how? or How did you run into about the problem? Activities like commenting and discussing the issues on Ethics websites must be encouraged. Employees related to the production and marketing department of Ethics could participate in the discussions that would make the online Ethics Ideas experience very informative and interesting. BY Mess Frankfurt (trade fair organizing firm), Mess publishes Study Buying Behavior in Germane,

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Princely Jets (Pvt.) Ltd. the Air Ambulance Written Analysis of a Case

wondrous Jets (Pvt. ) Ltd. The Air Ambulance Written Analysis of a Case Mariam Soomro, Sharmain Malik, Syed Zainul Islam & Farooq Tirmizi Introduction This paper forget be referring to the less(prenominal)on study meretricious Jets (Pvt. ) Ltd. The Air Ambulance. It will discuss at length the issues brought out in the model which concern the new Air Ambulance benefit that Akbar convention of Companies is planning to launch. This paper asserts that Akbar Group should go ahead with the launch of the new service at the proposed price US$ 750 monthly phallusship and an hourly account of usage of US$2500.The paper will attempt to justify the pricing strategy and discuss the liquefy of promotion tools that they should make use of. Overview The Akbar Group has a diverse group of companies with their operations being carve up into two major categories the aviation component and the commercial division. They started operations in Pakistan in 2005 with royal Jets (Pvt. ) restr ict with their world-class private charter fount run. They offered private jet work on an adhoc as puff up as on a scheduled flight basis with an objective of making the private jet charter experience simple, comfortable, enjoyable and unique.They launched in Karachi and later on expanded their services to Islamabad in 2006. By 2008 they had a fleet of 6 railway linecrafts. They had an average growth rate of 15% and a subject on investment of 3%. Their aviation division also included being the General gross sales Agents for twelve international ancestrylines they were representatives of Amakeus and they offered travel agency services under the name Princely Travels and Citilink. Their commercial division included allied businesses such(prenominal) as the distribution of Nike and United Parcel serves (UPS). They also had unsh atomic number 18d distribution of travel insurance for the Ameri keep Insurance Group.Akbar Group also introduced many global businesses in Pakistan such as McDonalds, The Princeton Review and LMVH Watches and Jewelry. Market Situation and Competitive Scenario Pakistan suffers from a host of problems such as political and social unrest. The rate of political protests, traffic accidents, criminal assaults and terrorist attacks has increased significantly. There is a uninterrupted need for transportation of victims for emergency ask. There bind been many instances where the diligent never makes it to the aesculapian speediness in time because of traffic jams.There ar a sufficient number of medical preservation teams that provide ambulance services such as Askari Aviation, Edhi Foundation and Chhipa Ambulances, but none that provided specialized air ambulance services. The Akbar Group place this gap in the market and decided to offer an Air Ambulance service to cater to this unmet need. It was blowzy for them to cater to this need as it would be a natural extension of their aviation services that they provided through an d through Princely Jets. They had an existing clientele from their Princely Jet services who they could localize for the same specialized air ambulance services.Segmentation and Target Market The Akbar Group chose to segment the market using two techniques Psychographic and Demographic. Psychographic They wanted to target affluent customers who would be instinctive to provide insurance for this revalue added medical facility not scarce for their individualized use but also for the use of company employees. Demographic The target market identified for the air ambulance service included corporate entities such as multinational and large national companies, banks, embassies, political agencies and some high net worth individuals.Marketing Mix Product/ Service The Akbar Group proposed the chase with their Air Ambulance Services * Transportation of physicians and specialists to remote beas * Inter-hospital transfer of patients requiring specialists treatment and immediate attend ance * Quick transportation of blood and human vital organs * Medical and other assistance to companies and organizations in remote areas of the country. They wished to start off their operations with a pilot project in Karachi and later on proceed to other parts of the country.In the Karachi region they planned to provide their services within a radius of 125 nautical miles (225 land miles). The justification behind this radius was that they wanted to transport the patient to the nearest medical facility within a maximum of 90 minutes. They planned to offer air ambulance services with two fully equipment helicopters with multiple seating and at least two patient beds. They would have on board a fully trained paramedic team including a doctor, state-of-the-art medical equipment, life saving and emergency medicines, oxygen and blood transfusion capabilities.The air ambulance aimed to offer a gleam transition of the patient from the helicopter to the emergency room. Financially Viabi lity As seen from the expected revenue above, after the first year this project will generate a profit stream which will make this a viable project. The Air Ambulance project is suitable for a country like Pakistan where one sees in disclose 9A and Exhibit 9B that there is a high requirement for such services. To support this one should also side at Exhibit 12 to see the number of people that are in need of such services and have no other alternative. determineThe two pronged strategy that is being offered by Mr. Ghouse is feasible since targeted market segment pays little importance to prices. They consider the value of the services. Therefore, as they are willing to pay these prices for business purposes then they will be more than willing to pay for medical services. The prices suggested will be divided into 3 categories for three different customer divisions as the following Corporate customer- These are the companies mentioned in Exhibit 3. They will be offered a yearly pack age that will contain 37 hours that they can use at any hour.It can be used by any member of the corporation with the approval of HR. * Private Customer- These will be those individuals who are operating private companies that have still cash flow. They will be familiar with Princely Jets (PVT) LTD. services hence it will be comparatively easy to convince them to utilize The Air Ambulance services for themselves. * Hospitals- A yearly contract will be signed with hospitals as mentioned in Exhibit 11B this will provide an additional service which can be provided by leading medical institutions, which will have customers who are willing to avail on a one off basis.The cost that is supercharged by the hospital will be left to its discretion. Pricing Method The pricing strategy will differ from segment to segment. The private customer will be charged a slightly higher price as he will be less likely to require services on a regular basis. Whereas corporate customers and hospitals will be charged a slightly lower price since they will be purchasing bulk services and are more likely to want greater flight hours. Therefore, higher revenue can be generated from these institutes through variable costs.The above methodology is simply a proposal. However, this project is definitely viable. If we consider the pricing that Princely Jets is exploring the following comes to mind Premium Pricing Princely Jets is going to be fulfilling the needs of a nook market. As stated earlier, pricing is not an influencing factor in the decision to purchase. For these high profile consumers, the ambience, the service environment and the quality will be perceived as of worth. It is about how vital the customer is made to feel during the entire journey.It is the flexibility offered, the uniqueness in treatment and of course, the fact that each flight is individualize for the client. They will be willing to pay for a superior air solution over others which are designed to give greater be nefits. It is these intangibles that justify the amplitude pricing strategy. Also as it is the pioneer in its category, it can enjoy the benefit of being a price setter in the industry. Specialized Service Air ambulance services have high operational costs. The specialized disposition of these air rescue services limits the ability to compete on the basis of cost.Therefore, marketing is directed towards high net individuals, corporations and governmental agencies that like other factors. Customized Air Solution Princely Jets is going to fabricate each flight with accordance to the needs of the client. From the point of destination to the point of food being catered every small aspect will be planned in order to serve the punter in question. Heritage Akbar Group of Companies is bringing this premium service in and has over 100 years of experience in the aviation industry.This facet can be utilized to position Princely Jets air ambulance services in the consumers mind and be used t o build brand equity. Placement Princely Jets launched from Karachi in 2005 and had expanded to Islamabad by 2006. It designed a 4000 square yard hangar with a high tech maintenance workshop for corroboratory services. Also to add benefits and value to their service, Princely Jets had its birth airport lounge in Karachi. It was dedicated to Princely Jets customers. Promotion Viral Marketing This strategy played well for the luxurious travel Princely Jets offered.It appeared to be promising for air ambulance services as well. Within the narrowed boundaries of this niche market, if the trend of air ambulance services spreads like wildfire, targeted customers will be play upn into its usage. Word of mouth Word of mouth communication the Great Compromiser to be the virtually effective and popular marketing tool. As it is recommended from person to person, a level of assert is involved. That by itself will build to service credibility and reliance. Relationship marketing Given the infrequent nature of this service, Princely Jets will have to be persistent in building and sustain its clientele.It should focus on the longevity of end user relationships and continue to remain in touch with them. They will likely own personal, intricate consumer information such as birthdays, anniversaries etc and can perform diminutive gestures such as displace a birthday card across to remind the consumer that Princely Jets remembers them and is thinking of them. That will add to value in terms of positioning in the customers mind. Direct Marketing This may assure to be a successful strategy for the air ambulance sector. Sending brochures, flyers, personalized posters to the consumers would build a personal connection.An even better alternative is to send customized letters to them on a monthly or semiweekly basis to build brand recall and to make Princely Jets the preferred carrier. Another way to specialize itself is to offer to show the helicopter to exclusive clientele. These strategies are recommended to Mr. Ghouse as they will prove to be the most effectual and valuable. However, an aggressive online marketing campaign to compliment the above tactics will be better. Mr. Ghouse should draw up an integrated marketing communication plan that has the consistent message of safety, security and comfort and is conveyed accurately.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Danger of Isolation

Othello is a Shakespe aran disaster which depicts the incompatibility of military heroism and love the danger of isolation. I personally think that Othello conveys the balance of merciful strengths and weaknesses amidst good and evil in society. In my opinion, Othello is a cultural and a racial outsider who is a bold, strong, courageous, naive and foolish. Throughout the play Othello represents the strengths and weaknesses in society. The villain, Iago is fascinating for his most terrible characteristic his utter omit of convincing motivation for his actions.Iago is often funny, especially in his scenes with Roderigo, which serve as a showcase of Iagos manipulative abilities. It is Iagos talent for understanding and manipulating the desires of those around him that makes him both a powerful, evil and interesting character. I think that Iago represents those in society who desire power and vengeance. Desdemona is a more plausible, well-rounded figure than such(prenominal) criticism has given her credit for. Desdemona is at times a submissive character, most notably in her willingness to take credit for her experience murder. Jealousy has the power to destroy.It destroys both Iago, jealous that Michael Cassio has received an appointment over him, and Othello, who is jealous that his wife may love Cassio. Many things can cause a person to adopt to isolate themselves like sickness, hurt feeling, confusion, fear, embarrassment, confrontation, loneliness, shame, anger and inferiority. These things are believed to carry a pain which cannot be shared out with others and must be dealt with in seclusion. However, Isolation weakens your defenses. In the bible it states, Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves.A cord of three strands is not broken easily (Ecclesiastes 4 12). This can interpreted that it is better surround your self with others company for greater forces. It is said that people who isolate themselves are sometimes arrogant. They beli eve that they are able to stand alone and fight battles. They should humble themselves because they could ever so use help. A person that is marooned is easier to defeat than someone who stands with an army. Shakespeare focuses more on the differences in colouring material and age between Othello and Desdemona than Cinthio.Shakespeare does this to escalate Othellos isolation from the rest of Venetian society and to display Othellos vulnerability due to his color. In the tragedy not only is Othello susceptible to weaknesses but so is every(prenominal) major character. The tragedy reminds humans that even ones good nature can be taken advantage of for the worse. The drama Othello expresses, through relationships and emotional attitudes, a theme that all humans are vulnerable to destruction even if they are in positions of power and glory. 1. No comments The action of Othello moves from the town of Venice to the island of Cyprus. defend by military bases as well as by the forces o f nature, Cyprus faces little threat from external forces. one time Othello, Iago, Desdemona, Emilia, and Roderigo have come to Cyprus, they have nothing to do but prey upon one another. Isolation enables umteen of the plays most important effects Iago frequently speaks to himself. Othello stands apart while Iago talks with Cassio in cloak IV, scene i, and is left alone onstage with the bodies of Emilia and Desdemona for a few moments in Act V, scene ii Roderigo seems attached to no one in the play except Iago.And Othello is visibly isolated from the other characters by his physical stature and the color of his skin. Iago is an expert at manipulating and isolating his victims so that they croak prey to their own obsessions. At the same time, Iago, of necessity always standing alone, falls prey to his own obsession with revenge. The characters cannot be islands, the play seems to say self-isolation as an act of self-preservation leads ultimately to self-destruction. Such self-iso lation leads to the deaths of Roderigo, Iago, Othello, and even Emilia.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Cultural Identity

Ticia R. Grant June, 1, 2011 Bridging dustup for Women designation 2 Course Director Brenda L. Blondeau The Consequence of Cultural individuality To understand the significant effect that our ethnic desktop has on our identity, we must acknowledge the advant get on withs provided by the sense of unity, of belonging to something bigger, and of collectively sharing a heritage with others. In contrast, someone who feels disconnected with said heritage might feel deprived of that highly sought by and by sense of belonging, which in turn can lead to a touch modality of non knowing who they should e, a lack of identity. It is the causes and effects of this conflict that Apryl Gladue describes in her writing, and she murders the clear argument that the cycle of going of her predecessors native shade is likely to keep repeating itself. This, in essence, is cause of the distress of paper Indians. Gladue coins this line paper Indians which she uses to refer to natural Americans w ho have get hold ofed their culture nevertheless by dint of classes, in enlighten and on paper. The term is also meaningful in the sense that according to overnment documentation, she is of Native circumstance hitherto she was not elevated or brought up as such. In addition to outlining the difficulties she has go about in losing her father and her connection to her heritage, she also speaks of her triumphs notwithstanding her crises of identity. To quote Gladue on page 206 she writes Unsure of how to make my way in the world, I soon formed my stimulate identity in academics. I deal this was a formation and transitional time for Gladue, as she no longer identified herself as existence either etiolate orNative hardly rather as a part of the academic community, wherein nationality, creed, gender, social status and even age atomic number 18 often overshadowed by an individuals intellect and ability. She describes creation admitted to the well-grounded bar and move a career as a civil servant as legal counsel to the DIAND, as a way of contri barelying her own ideas of law and policy concerning Natives in Canada, barely she plainly expresses that despite her efforts she never felt like she fit in at bottom her own community. This tone of voice of etachment, seemingly alone stems back to never having been raised by a Native, as a Native, and it is this wrong that plainly illustrates the permanence of this damaging cycle. I can definitely relate with the entire notion of feeling disconnected from my own culture, as I was also raised without a parent. I was raised by my mother, who was many ethnicities, but my father, who was born in Quito, Ecuador, left when I was very young. While I did go out some of the Spanish language, I was never brought up within the traditional Latin culture.Instead I was raised here, within western society and denied the opportunity to experience that part of who I am. I am reminded of this free-and-easy by my associate who was born in Spain, and his mother, who we currently reside with. The differences in cultural behaviours and beliefs are immense, particularly with regards to morality and family, in comparison to what I was taught to believe and how I was raised. To many people my features appear Hispanic, and when asked of my background I evermore answer Spanish because I do see it as part of my identity, but In cost of feeling ike I belong to the Spanish culture, I am sad to rate that for me it is a human beings that I will never know. The best I can do is hear to the music and mulct the language to speak the native tongue of my father, who I never really knew. It is save then that I feel connected to him, to my culture and to that something bigger that we all seem to yearn for, just it is vital that we admit that there are many other ways to define ourselves. References Apryl Gladeau, A stopping point of Loss Canadian Woman Studies (Volume 26 3,4) pg 204- 207, 2008Cultura l IdentityLosing Cultural Identity Both the springs Choy and Engkent focussed mainly on the ideas of culture, immigration and assimilation. These two essays showed that acculturation is bi-directional from both the sides and it requires neither a change value, although values may execute acculturated nor the internal change. Assimilation is unidirectional, towards the dominant group and it requires change in values and the internal change. Losing cultural Identity Immigrants always have fear that they will lose their identity when move into new society.In Im banana and tall of it, Choy expressed his father feeling by saying that Father used to say We lacked Taiost rituals, Taoist manners. We were, he said, mo li. Similarly, Engkent showed his father fear of losing cultural values and how he discouraged his wife not to learn English by saying these words That old women will get rich doing nothing. What have these women knowing ? Fan- gwei ways- make-up lipstick, smelly perfume s, fancy clothes.Once she gets through with them, they wont be Chinese about the land and the life they had been pressure to leave behind. Even the author Choy personally felt that he is caught between two cultures. He claimed himself as Banana, which means that he possessed both the Chinese physique outside and Western lifestyle inside. civilization of immigrants The acculturation is process of cultural change between two different cultural groups who come in contact with each other. The media and language are greatly responsible for acculturation.In Im a banana and proud of it, the author greatly influenced by the host culture through media. The host media like magazines, music and movies are the only choice for them to read, listen and watch. This showed great influence over immigrants soul and culture. On the other hand, there are some people unable to acculturate into new society due to greater affection towards their culture and lack of communication. In, Why My Mother Cant Speak English Engkent mother was unable to acculturate into new society. hats why she offered. lai-shi to the officer, which means bribe in Canada even after 30 years stay in Canada. Further, she face up difficulty in learning English. The berry (1990) psychologist defined acculturation is individuals change both by being influenced by contact with another culture and by being participants in the general acculturative changes current in their own culture. This means that culture is being influenced by internal force within the individual and external environmental factors.This acculturation leads to assimilation which gives either an harmony or conflict and stress. References Berry, J. W. (1990). psychological science of acculturation Understanding individuals moving between cultures. In R. Brislin (Ed. ), Applied cross-cultural psychology. Newhury Park SagePublications John W. Berry (2005). Acculturation Living successfully in two cultures. Retrieved from http//isites. harvard. edu/fs/docs/icb. topic551691. files/Berry. pdfCultural IdentityTicia R. Grant June, 1, 2011 Bridging Course for Women Assignment 2 Course Director Brenda L. Blondeau The Consequence of Cultural Identity To understand the significant effect that our cultural background has on our identity, we must acknowledge the advantages provided by the sense of unity, of belonging to something bigger, and of collectively sharing a heritage with others. In contrast, someone who feels disconnected with said heritage might feel deprived of that highly sought after sense of belonging, which in turn can lead to a feeling of not knowing who they should e, a lack of identity. It is the causes and effects of this conflict that Apryl Gladue describes in her writing, and she makes the clear argument that the cycle of deprivation of her predecessors native culture is likely to keep repeating itself. This, in essence, is cause of the mourning of paper Indians. Gladue coins this term paper Indians which she uses to refer to Native Americans who have learned their culture only through classes, in school and on paper. The term is also meaningful in the sense that according to overnment documentation, she is of Native status however she was not raised or brought up as such. In addition to outlining the difficulties she has faced in losing her mother and her connection to her heritage, she also speaks of her triumphs despite her crises of identity. To quote Gladue on page 206 she writes Unsure of how to make my way in the world, I soon formed my own identity in academics. I believe this was a defining and transitional time for Gladue, as she no longer identified herself as being either white orNative but rather as a part of the academic community, wherein nationality, creed, gender, social status and even age are often overshadowed by an individuals intellect and ability. She describes being admitted to the legal bar and pursuing a career as a civil servant as legal counsel to the DIAND, as a way of contributing her own ideas of law and policy concerning Natives in Canada, however she plainly expresses that despite her efforts she never felt like she fit in within her own community. This feeling of etachment, seemingly all stems back to never having been raised by a Native, as a Native, and it is this loss that plainly illustrates the permanency of this damaging cycle. I can definitely relate with the entire notion of feeling disconnected from my own culture, as I was also raised without a parent. I was raised by my mother, who was many ethnicities, but my father, who was born in Quito, Ecuador, left when I was very young. While I did learn some of the Spanish language, I was never brought up within the traditional Latin culture.Instead I was raised here, within western society and denied the opportunity to experience that part of who I am. I am reminded of this everyday by my boyfriend who was born in Spain, and his mother, who we currently reside with. The differe nces in cultural behaviours and beliefs are immense, especially with regards to morality and family, in comparison to what I was taught to believe and how I was raised. To many people my features appear Hispanic, and when asked of my background I always answer Spanish because I do see it as part of my identity, but In terms of feeling ike I belong to the Spanish culture, I am sad to say that for me it is a reality that I will never know. The best I can do is listen to the music and learn the language to speak the native tongue of my father, who I never really knew. It is only then that I feel connected to him, to my culture and to that something bigger that we all seem to yearn for, however it is vital that we recognize that there are many other ways to define ourselves. References Apryl Gladeau, A Culture of Loss Canadian Woman Studies (Volume 26 3,4) pg 204- 207, 2008