Saturday, August 31, 2019

Emotional labour Essay

1. According to Bryman (2004), emotional labour is regarded as situation in the workplace where workers are required to shows certain emotion as a part of their job. Bryman (2004, p.103) describes the developing trend of presuming work as a performance, where workplace is seen as stage for performance, while workers are the actors on the stage. He states that workers’ performance that is presented to the customers is vital as it is memorable to customers. Bryman (2004, p.103) emphasizes that emotional labour is capable of creating performative labour. In emotional labour, workers manage their inner feeling to display facial and bodily expression (Bryman, 2004, p.104). He suggests that the emotion shown can be positive or negative depends on the job’s requirement. Hochschild (1983, as cited in Bryman, 2004, p.104) considers emotional labour as acting, and distinguished it into surface and deep acting. Surface acting is explained as displaying the accurate emotion without feeling it, whereas deep acting involves the true feeling when the emotion is being shown (Hochschild, 1983 cited in Bryman 2004, p.104). Bryman (2004, p.104) states that there is a continuing change from focus on control to formation of commitment to the organization, so that workers are emotionally attached to the organization. Bryman (2004, p.104) states that the creation of emotional tie will cultivate excitement and meaning for workers. Furthermore, Bryman (2004, p.105) suggests that emotional labour directly affects quality of service delivery, which also affects the quality of goods and services provided. Customers are getting more and more concern on the quality of delivery (Bryman, 2004, p.105). Showing positive emotion like smiling and making eye contact will develop good atmosphere when the service is being delivered (Bryman, 2004, p.105). Bryman (2004, p.105) also states that with the research on flight attendants, it shows that display of positive emotion like smiling must be deeply felt by the workers but not surface acting. Emotional labour is very important as it distinguishes services which have roughly the same products (Bryman, 2004, p.106). Bryman (2004, p.106) explains that the growing understanding of emotional labour as one of the factors that affect customers satisfaction, which is important to repeat business have been the cause for customer care programmes’ growth. He also insists that Total Quality Management (TQM) have affected customer care programmes, which the  main focus is on customer satisfaction. Bryman (2004, p.106) have focused on Disney Theme Parks which emotional labour is very vital in its service delivery. Every employee has been trained to show positive emotion all the time when confronting customers (Bryman, 2004, p.108). Disney has made use of training programmes to create commitments and values which help in emotional labour (Bryman, 2004, p.109). Bryman (2004, p.110) has shown that lots of jobs involves certain level of emotional labour and there is formal emotional guideline in work role. Nevertheless, he argues that displaying emotion based on only formal instruction is a mistake, because it will affect workers’ work because workers themselves have own ability to express emotion needed in work. Bryman (2004, p. 111) states that huge fraction of employees is influenced by the necessity of emotional labour, and women are being demanded in profession related to emotional labour than men. Bryman (2004) relates the influence of emotional labour to workers in airlines, shops, McDonald’s, restaurants, telephone call centres, zoos, and hotels. In addition, Hochschild (1983) as cited in Bryman (2004, p. 121) proposes that emotional labour leaves adverse effect on labourer as it separates wor ker’s action and feeling. However, studies (Wouter, 1989; Leidner, 1993; Sharma and Black, 2001 cited in Bryman 2004, p.121) showed that emotional labourers in some jobs feel satisfied when able to assist customers. Bryman (2004, p.122) suggests that the incurrence of bad effect of emotional labour is dependent on jobs environment. He also proposed that ‘philanthropic emotional labour’ is occasionally expressed by worker out of willingness and will not incur negative effect on workers. Besides that, aesthetic labour involves forming employees into desired appearance to portray the image of company (Bryman, 2004, p.123). Bryman (2004, p.123) suggests that the aesthetic and emotional labour are used together in workplace, and the growing importance of style and image will increase the need of aesthetic labour. Hence, emotional labour has been increasingly demanded as it can differentiate one service from another. Emotional labour may inflict adverse impact on emotional labourer, but there are also researches that show the other ways round. 2.  Emotional labour has greatly influence the service industries nowadays (Bryman, 2004). However, arguments exist within the issue of emotional labour over the years (Smith, 1999).   Firstly, it is agreeable that emotional labour is related strongly with service performance (Bryman, 2004, p.105). This is due to positive emotion in service delivery to customers will provide satisfaction to customer which satisfaction implies good quality of service delivery (Bryman, 2004, p.106). Involving emotions when facing customers is vital to keep loyal customer and repeat business as it give much satisfaction to customers (Albrecht & Zemke, 1985 cited in Grandey,2000 ). Ashforth and Humphrey (1993) as cited in Grandey (2000) states that handling emotion may cause positive delivery of service as it reflects good image of organization and makes customers feel good. Positive expressions of emotion like smiling and giving compliments are some example of involving emotion to boost service performance (Adelmann, 1998 cited in Grandey, 2000). Studies from Pugh (1998) as cited in Grandey (2000) showed that there is a direct relationship between emotion shown by bank teller and customer contentment. Besides, it is undeniable that women are more demanded than men in jobs related to emotional labour (Bryman, 2004, p.111). He states that it may because of women are more suitable to display emotion in some particular jobs (Bryman, 2004, p.112). According to Fay (2011), gender differences are significant in occupations with high level of emotional labour. Finding by Simpson and Stroh (2004) as cited in Fay (2011) showed that women are more probably conceal their negative feeling, whereas men are likely to hide their positive feeling. In addition, research by Mann (2007) as cited in Fay (2011) revealed that men express true emotion on what they actually feel, while women tend to show warmth and not affected by their true feeling. Women have higher level of emotional expressivity (Rafaeli and Sutton, 1989 cited in Grandey, 2000). Therefore, they can accomplish service jobs better which require emotional labour (Grandey, 2000). Apart from that, Bryman (2004) stresses that women are more suitable than men in some occupations where sexuality is a key element. Example of those work that suit women is nursing, nurses are required to express strong emotion such as care, affection and kindness (Henderson, 2001). The nursing work suit women since they have high level of emotional expressivity. From all 2,500,000 nurses,  only 6% are men and this showed that nursing is an occupation dominated by female (, n.d.). Hochschild (1983 cited in Bryman 2004, p.121) argues that worker engaged in emotional labour will have negative effect inflicted to them. However, it is not always the case that emotional labourers are adversely affected. Studies have shown that emotional labourers like flight attendants, beauty therapists and insurance agents do not feel the negative impacts of emotional labour when being involved (Wouters, 1989; Leidner, 1993; Sharma and Black, 2001 cited in Bryman, p.121). Research by Ashford and Humphrey (1993) as cited in Grandey (2000) showed that workers involved in emotional expression to satisfy have more jobs satisfaction as they make their jobs less dull. A study on table servers reported that employees who really put feeling in the jobs are more satisfied than employees who do not (Adelmann, 1995 cited in Grandey, 2000). Hence, those studies have shown that workers involved in emotional labour are not harmfully affected, but they gain job satisfaction from it. Finally, cast members in Disneyland must show emotional labour when facing every customer (Bryman, 2004, p.109). This aspect of emotional labour in Disneyland is not the best emotional approach to bring the best out of the cast members. This is because workers feel horrible when their emotion is totally controlled by the organization (Hohschild, 1983 cited in Bryman, 2004). Lack of control and autonomy over their own emotion can lead to life stress and work stress (Rodin, 1986 cited in Grandey, 2000). Research from Wharton (1993) as cited in Grandey (2000) discovered that employee with high emotional autonomy have relatively low emotion fatigue than employee with low autonomy. Eventually, low autonomy and high emotional regulation in workplace can cause withdrawal behaviour (Grandey, 2000). Grandey (2000) suggests that emotionally exhausted workers might leave the organization in the long run due to burnout. A court case involving customer service workers sued the company because they were required to smile even though they were sexually harassed by customers (Grandey, 2000). Thus, Disneyland which takes away workers’ emotional independence might cause negative result. In conclusion, many arguments still persist in the aspects of emotional labours. Therefore, more researches and studies needed to be carried out so that emotional labour can bring the best out of workers and ultimately the organization. 3.  Emotional labour have increasingly significant to business nowadays. Everyone has the experience related emotional labour whether on the giving or receiving end.  I have encountered many occasions associated to emotional labour in which I’m on the receiving end. After reading text by Bryman (2004), I felt that emotional labour is extremely important in today’s workplace to satisfy customers after reflecting on my own experience. The most memorable encounter I had experience was at electronic shops. I was surveying between the shops to purchase an electronic device I wanted. As I was surveying between electronics shop, I realised that the attitude of salespersons towards customer are different from one another. When I was at one of the shops, the salesperson welcomes me with a bright smile and offers me help whenever I need it. He was explaining patiently the feature of the device to me with a pleasurable tone and his smile never went away even it took a long time to explain to me. On the other hand, when I was at another electronic shop, the situation was totally different from the first shop. The salesperson did greet me when I entered the shop but his face was gloomy and most importantly without a smile. From his tone when speaking to me, I felt that he was not willing to serve and explain his product to me. He did not proactively explain his product and only answered my inquiry with a low tone. Finally, I bought the device from the first electronic shop. In my case, salesperson as the frontline service employee is very critical as they are the key to generate sales to consumers (Smith, n.d.). So, they are the workers who should involve emotional labour to perform their task effectively (Ashforth and Humphrey, 1993 cited in Grandey, 2000). In my case, the first salesperson expressed positive emotion which satisfy me as a customer but the second salesperson did not. Eventually, the first salesperson succeeded selling his product to me. In conclusion, after reading the text by Bryman (2004), I realised that the importance of emotional labour especially in service industries. I understand the significant even more deeply when it relates to my own experience as myself had influenced by emotional labour. References Adelmann, P.K., 1995. Emotional labor as a potential of job stress. In: S.L. Sauter and L.R. Murphy, eds. n.d. Organizational risk factors for job stress. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, pp.371-381. Albrecht, K. and Zemke, R., 1985. Service America! Doing business in the new economy. Homewood, IL: Dow Jones-Irwin. Ashforth, B.E. and Humphrey, R.H., 1993. Emotional labour in service role: The influence of identity. Academy of Management Review, 18(1), pp.88-115. Bryman, A., 2004. Disneyization of Society. [e-book] London: SAGE Publication Ltd. Available through: Tun Hussein Onn Library website [Accessed 16 August 2012]. Fay, C.L., 2011. Gender differences in emotional labour. Ph.D. The University of Texas at Arlington. Available at: [Accessed 24 October 2012]. Grandey, A.A., 2000. Emotional Regulation in the Workplace: A New Way to Conceptualize Emotional Labor. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, [e-journal] 5(1), pp. 95-110. Available through: Penn State w ebsite [Accessed 23 October 2012]. Henderson, A., 2001. Emotional labor and nursing: an under-appreciated aspect of caring work. Nursing Inquiry, [e-journal] 8(2). Available through: Nursing Network on Violence Against Women, International [Accessed 20 October 2012]. Hochschild, A.R., 1983. The managed heart: Commercialization of human feeling. Berkeley: University of California Press. Leidner, R., 1993. Fast Food, Fast Talk. Berkeley: University of California Press. Mann, S., 2007. Expectations of emotional display in workplace: An American/British comparative study. Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 28(6), pp.552-570., n.d. Nurses by the number. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 October 2012]. Pugh, S.D., 1998. Why do happy employees have happy customers? Emotional contagion as an explanatory in research on customers service. First Conference on Emotions and Organizational Life. San Diego, CA. Rafaeli, A. and Sutton, R.I., 1989. The expression of emotion in organizational life. In: L.L. Cummings and B.M. Staw, eds. n.d. Research in organizational behaviour. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press. Vol. 11, pp.1-42. Rodin, J., 1986. Aging and health: Effect on the sense of control. Science, 233, pp.1271-1276. Sharma, U. and Black, P., 2001. Look good, feel better: Beauty therapy as emotional labour. Sociology, 35(4), pp.913-931. Simpson, P. and Stroh, L., 2004. Gender Differences: Emotional Expression and Feelings of Personal Inauthenticity. Journal of Applied Psychology, 89(4), pp. 715-721. Smith, D., 1999. Emotional labor. Soundings, [e-journal] 11(spring). Available through: Barry Amiel and Norman Melburn Trust [Accessed 25 October 2012]. Smith, G.P., n.d. Customer Service success. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 October 2012]. Wharton, A.S., 1993. The affective consequences of service work: Managing emotions on the job. Work and Occupations, 20(2), pp.205-232. Wouters, C., 1989. The Sociology of Emotions and Flight Attendants: Hochschild’s Managed Heart. Theory, Culture and Society, 6(1).

Friday, August 30, 2019

My Stuff

Week of Nov. 19th to Dec. 5th US History Instructor: Fleming/Stamps The BOOK American Anthem Modern American History Chapter 8 pages 227-262. Historical Time Line 1914 -1921 National Standards for USH: ERA 7: Understands the changing role of the United States in the world affairs through World War 1. ACT Quality Core Standards C-2 Increasing Influences & Challenges: The Essential Question: Identify & evaluate the influences of alliances on maintaining peace but then led to our first world war.Learning Target 15: Examine the world events & Ideas that led the world in to major conflict. Learning Target 16: Analyze significant events and topics that drove the nation towards World War 1. THINGS TO DO FOR CHAPTER 8: The first world war Pages 228-262. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Read for this chapter 8 pages 228 to 262. HOLT Ch 8 Section 1 Main Idea The Inside Story p. 230 Make a Historical timeline like the one on pp. 228-229. Ch 8 section 1 Key terms & People (10 definitions) p. 2 30 Handout work from CH 8 gives out summative grade.Review Ch 8 Study Guide (Castle Learning) (Taking Notes) Ch 8 Section One (4 parts) Geography skills interactive map p. 233 (2 questions) HOLT Online Resources KEYWORD SE7 CH8 Vocabulary Builder & Flashback Reading check p. 235 (1 question) CH 8 Section 1 Assessment p. 237 (questions 1to 4. ) 12. HOLT Online Resources Yl~YJ,qoJ~rvi. comKEYWORD SE7 CH8 Section 1 Quiz 13. HOLT Ch 8 Section 2 Main Idea READ The Inside Story p. 238 14. Ch 8 section 2 Key terms & People (10 definitions) p. 238 15. HOLT Online Resources  ·{! i! Nif. iJo. D! w. Qm KEYWORD SE7 CH8 Section 2 Vocabulary Builder & Flashback 16. Faces of History p. 239 â€Å"Woodrow Wilson† (1 question) 17. Geography skills interactive map p. 243 (1 question) 18. CH 8 Section 2 Assessment p. 244 (questions 1to 4) 19. HOLT Online Resources KEYWORD SE7 CH8 Section 2 Quiz 20. American Literature Primary Sources p. 245 (2 questions) 21. HOLT Ch 8 Section 3 Main Idea READ The Inside Story p. 246 22. Ch 8 section 3 Key terms & People (10 definitions) p. 246 23. HOLT Online Resources 26. HOLT Online Resources 1:'V'l;~.! lrif. go. hrN. com 27. 28. 9. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. KEYWORD SE7 CH8 Vocabulary Builder & Flashback SE7 CH8 Section 3 Quiz 24. Primary Sources† Propaganda Poster† p. 251 (2 questions) 25. CH 8 Section 3 Assessment p. 252 (questions 1to 4) KEYWORD 35. LANDMARK SUPREME COURT CASES â€Å"Schenck† p. 253 (2 Questions) HOLT Ch 8 Section 4 Main Idea READ The Inside Story p. 254 Ch 8 section 4 Key terms & People (10 definitions) p. 254 HOLT Ch 8 Section 3 Vocabulary Builder & Flashback THE FOURTEEN POINTS p. 256 Counterpoints â€Å"League of Nations† p. 257 (1 question) Geography skills interactive map p. 58 (1 question) CH 8 Section 4 Assessment p. 259 (questions 1to 4) HOLT Online Resources ~†j{;fw. g. Q.. h{~. CCi:nKEYWORD SE7 CH8 Section 4 Quiz 36. Ch 8 Document Based Investigation â€Å"Skills focus† p. 261 (4 Questions) 37. Chapter 8 Review p. 262 (12 questions) 38. Chapter 8 Exam 2 parts Multiple Choice and Constructive Response Links for Enrichment of Students Knowledge for Chapter 8 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Out break of WW1: bttp:litlouhJ,b~i! Cbl~E3ToePA Alliance System 1914: h;;tp:[f'yJ'if,! Vii. V9'yhlbe. com! watc!! Jv†Ã¢â‚¬Ëœsff1! vc! Ei[v; Facts on WW1: m1I!.J[i:':~! :It1dJ? ~tjf,f:–‘,~Jol,~{[Q! J Sinking of the Lusitania: !. ltiif11t! 211:rn. J2 §L~i~~~Eig~tJl'i Excerpt of Farewell to Arms: http://youttl. b~/ ·v#9CIPi)isi~ WW1 Patriotism & Propaganda: hHp:! Jfoutu. beIROWm80f3j$ C Landmark SCC â€Å"Schenk v. United States 1919†³: ilti~;ilvol. i~u. bf,f5s2mlN::GMJ Treaty of Versailies:m1p:ifwlf. PNJ'lsto;y. comlt{Jpl;;~{vrlQ:}i! fii'. ihfjde9s#i:rea'iV ·(}'{ov~r$z;! lie §Ã‚ ·Ã‚ §JJfr:y;J0rlcl†Af8d League of Nations: Imll;[[1m,! Jtsi,:t},~~n~~h':iA~:illj~! i;;J,i Trench Warfare: ~y(lublJ:;! e! :SLH::::aq~n†I~! KM r

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Learning and Intelligence Essay

We all learn well in our own different ways, we cannot all learn the same way. For example, some of us are visual learners (pictures, videos, etc), and some of us are incapable of learning visually, we learn well orally (speaking out loud, listening to someone else speak out loud, etc). Some of us just read over notes and learn well that way. Myth 2: That intelligence is largely fixed at birth, and can be accurately determined by IQ or similar standardized tests. There is no limit to intelligence, we are able to learn much more, and we are skilled at much more than that of which can only be determined in an IQ/ any other standardized test. For example, an individual can be creative (art, poetry, story writing, inventions). Myth 3: That there is only one form of intelligence. We all are skilled at different things; we cannot all be skilled at exactly the same stuff in exactly the same way. For example, some of us are good at art and some aren’t, then some of us are good at writing, it doesn’t necessarily mean if u aren’t good at playing soccer, then you won’t be good at playing tennis. Myth 4: That all intelligence is inherited. There is no limit to intelligence, although your level of intelligence can be inherited but a great deal of your intelligence is developed through your environment, experience and culture. Both your inherited intelligence and personal development of intelligence work together and builds new sets of skills and abilities. Myth 5: That intelligence is the same as logical, analytical thinking. Intelligence takes 3 forms: Analytical, Creative and Practical, But only Analytical intelligence is measured in IQ/other standardized tests, therefore there is no measured level for creative ability, practical or commonsense ability, athletic ability, musical ability, etc. Myth 6: That everyone has the ability to succeed at anything. Different aptitudes help people excel in different ways, for different things. For example, a great manager may not necessarily be good at playing the piano. Myth 7: That school is the main or best place to learn. School is not necessarily the best place to learn, just because we spend most of our time there, listening to people feed us information, some of us learn better when we are in our own comfort zone by taking in information all on our own. For example, I learn best at home in my lounge, my friend learns best while relaxing in her garden. Myth 8: That â€Å"standards† are the real test of learning, and can easily be measured by standardized written tests. These tests only measure a part of the intelligence of an individual. These tests cannot measure other greater abilities, skills and talents of an individual. For example, for these tests, a student can easily memorize information, but how do we know if they can apply this information? (iii) Learners get despondent, lack of motivation, hampers self-esteem development, lead to behavioral problems. Learners should experience success, so the learner build on their strengths. Schools should rather: Focus on developing strengths, not on weaknesses. Not waste time trying to †put in what was left out†. Try to â€Å"draw out what was left in† Search for talent, but train to develop skills and abilities. (iv) 1. Eat a good breakfast every morning, preferably with plenty of fresh fruit. 2. Eat a good lunch. 3. Make fish, nuts and vegetable â€Å"fats† key parts of your diet. 4. Exercise regularly to oxygenate the blood. 5. Cleanse the toxins out of your body. Exercise ~ Phys. Ed: Encourage learners to take part in sport/drama. School tuck-shop ~ sell healthier foods. Awareness Campaign: Discussions, posters, check lunch box content. (v) Howard Gardner, David Perkins, and Robert Sternberg have all been quite successful in helping spread knowledge about the meaning of â€Å"intelligence† and applications of this knowledge to education. The study and measurement of intelligence has been an important research topic for nearly 100 years IQ is a complex concept, and researchers in this field argue with each other about the various theories that have been developed. There is no clear agreement as to what constitutes IQ or how to measure it. There is an extensive and continually growing collection of research papers on the topic. Howard Gardner (1983, 1993), Robert Sternberg (1988, 1997), and David Perkins (1995) have written widely sold books that summarize the literature and present their own specific points of view. The following definition is a composite from various authors. Intelligence is a combination of the ability to: 1. Learn. This includes all kinds of informal and formal learning via any combination of experience, education, and training. 2. Pose problems. This includes recognizing problem situations and transforming them into more clearly defined problems. 3. Solve problems. This includes solving problems, accomplishing tasks, fashioning products, and doing complex projects. (vi) Warm environment Interactive method Build thinking skills Plenty of activations Apply it in practice Review and celebrate Four criteria when determining the best learning â€Å"state† : Orchestrating the environment. Setting the right mood and getting students’ attention. Early activity is vital. Bring on the music (vii) How you perceive information most easily How you organize and process information What conditions are necessary to help you take in and store information How you retrieve information (viii) Likely traits: Negotiates well Relates well Able to read others’ intentions Enjoys being with people Has many friends Communicates well Enjoys group activities Likes to mediate disputes How to strengthen learning: Do learning activities cooperatively Take lots of breaks to socialize Use â€Å"pair and share† activities. Use relationships and communication skills Do â€Å"partner talks† on the phone Have parties and celebration of learning Make learning fun Integrate socialization into all curricular areas (ix) Students’ reading levels should be checked first. Students should be matched in pairs, with tutor only a slightly better reader. Books should be chosen for the right reading and interest levels. Tutors are trained with a simple checklist, which shows them how to use â€Å"pause, promt and praise† techniques. . BILBIOGRAPHY Dryden, G & Vos, J. (2005). The New Learning Revolution. UK: Network Edcuational Press Ltd.

How Market, and Societal, Trends and Pressures are reflected in the Speech or Presentation

How Market, and Societal, Trends and Pressures are reflected in the Contemporary Facility - Speech or Presentation Example Hospitality industry is undergoing transformation such that new designs strive to achieve higher levels of needs. Maslow’s model (Goff, 2005) Competition between small and big hotels for market share fueled mass movement from offering the basic needs to high standards by the big hotels (Goff, 2005). Design of high class beds, sophisticated shower systems, high quality towels and entire upgrade of the accommodation facilities was adopted by big hotels among them Hilton and Marriott. In the past many people while traveling, what came first when choosing a place to stay was whether basic things such as safety, security and comfort. However the modern guest focuses on facilities such as affordable Wi-Fi hotspot (Goff, 2005). Therefore, there is a need for the interior designer of hospitality to cater for the high level needs of such guests. This trend clearly justifies analysis based on the Maslow’s model and every design of old or new facility in the hospitality industry s hould be founded on it. Introduction Contemporary hospitality facilities such as hotels have moved from being just accommodation and recreation places to being fully integrated guest experience that caters for unique tastes and preference of every individual. Currently, hotel architectural designs deal with customer experience because hospitality consumers have power to information and they get exactly what they want thanks to social media. Projects are recognized as innovative and forward looking based on the ability to address customer experience. They should be thoroughly thought and well designed to achieve the unique touch, taste and experience of individual guests. First impression is always crucial and design of places like lobby is given priority. For example most guests prefer natural light and hotels lately adopt natural lighting designs. Modern designs also have to meet the taste of the employees. This brings about employee motivation and thus impacting on a good customer service and improve the overall image of the hotel .Historically focus was put on the public sections of a hotel facility but recently more emphasis has been put in other areas like the support space. Concentrating on uplifting the standards of living of the staff creates a sense of belonging and gives confidence and enough time for them to help guest achieve their experience. The relationship between the three people in a hospitality setting that is the employer, staff and the guests is very crucial. Self-actualization should influence hospitality facility design in such a manner that all these people satisfy their experiences and needs. In the emerging markets, namely; China, India and Brazil, provision of up-scale products may lead to oversupply and there is a need to design new products for instance mid-market and budget products (Gustafson, 2001). During economic recession demand for such products is high and companies in the hospitality industry should shift focus to this are a in order to tap the potential of a booming business brought about by middle-income earners and people living within budget and still want to explore hospitality products and services. It should be noted that almost half of the people in the world are middle class and they all need hotels and other hospitality facilities. Hospitality multinational groups are moving towards the emerging mark

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Link between Fiscal policy and Economic Growth Literature review

The Link between Fiscal policy and Economic Growth - Literature review Example This called for strategic approaches towards influencing the economy positively. As a result, many approaches have been used to influence the nations’ economy in different ways, for instance, the use monetary policy, macroeconomic policy and fiscal policy, which are applicable in many countries. In some instances, some economic goals are met through a combination of several policies, depending on the nature of the goals to be met. Generally, fiscal policy is the process of influencing macroeconomic conditions through policies of government spending. The practice involves influencing a nation’s economy through the collection of revenue, borrowing and using government’s expenditure. In this case, the government engages in adjusting the levels of its spending in a bid to track and influence the economy of the nation. The policies of government spending often affect the interest and tax rates alongside the government’s spending (Barro and Redlick, 2011, 57). Just like other policies of influencing a nation’s economy, fiscal policy is applicable directing the economic goals of the country. The main goal is always the stability of the country’s economy through the control of spending and interest rates. The Concept of Fiscal Policy John M. Keynes, a British economist, came up with theories that are currently applicable in fiscal policy. His theories state that governments and nations, through the increase or decrease of public spending and the level of taxes, can influence the levels of macroeconomic productivity (Barro and Jin, 2011, 1568). The theory suggests further that such influences can further maintain the value of the currency at levels that are healthy, increase employment and curb inflation. The point of focus in the modern economics is the growth theory. This theory addresses the implications of economic growth regarding to wealth (Brzezinski and Dzielinski, 2009, 244) besides addressing the factors triggering economic growth. The system of economics can be stimulated through learning-by-doing mechanisms, which are essential for self-sustainable economic growth. These mechanisms can be induced into the economy by the government acts. Similarly, endogenous growth theory relates to fiscal policy, give n that the outcome of the process involves the issue of losers and winners. With regard to neoclassical growth models formulated by Swan and Solow (Solow, 1956, 67), the exogenous rate of progress in technology is the backbone of growth income per capita, in its steady state. Every policy is characterised by the need of growth, even though the economy’s steady level of operation will be affected by the policy. In this case, the rate of economic growth will only be influenced by the economic policy when the economy is being transited to a steady state. Endogenous growth theory’s distinguishing characteristic that is crucial in fiscal policy is the visualisation of the nature of knowledge (Tcherneva, 2010, 27). This standard framework of making fiscal policy has been deduced from this model, with regard to taxation and government spending. Thus, this explains why many researches focus on the roles of governments in influencing the economy through dividing and stabilising the cake as opposed to enlarging the economy. Primarily, the study of the link between fiscal policy and economic growth has had the focus on the relationship between taxation and gove

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Should genitically modified foods be labeled Research Paper

Should genitically modified foods be labeled - Research Paper Example Actually, a lot of food that we eat today contains genetically modified ingredients. Supporters of this technology claim that it benefits humanity because that it ensures and sustains food security around the world as the population increases. Genetic Engineering (GE) or Genetic Modification (GM) of food is an issue that has entered the mainstream media in a lot of countries. It is a fact that a lot of food that we eat today contains genetically modified ingredients and usually without our knowledge. Supporters of this technology maintain that it ensures and sustains food security around the world as the population increases (Caplan). There is no doubt that the science behind genetic engineering is improving. While biotechnology could be the wave of the future and genetically modified foods could really provide alternatives to help increase food production, there is a growing wave of concern from citizens, farmers and scientists who question the way the research is currently being ha ndled by a few large, profit-hungry corporations. That is, as well as scientific debates on the merits of genetically engineered food, there are equally, if not more important, debates on the potential danger on both human beings and the environment (Kass). Much of the concern people have about Genetic Engineering is due to the fact that it is a very young and untested technology and may not be the answer to the food shortage problem just yet. Similarly, crop uniformity, which the biotech firms are promoting, will reduce genetic diversity making them more vulnerable to disease and pests. This furthers the need for pesticides, which are created by the same companies creating and promoting genetically engineered crops. This leads to questions of the motives of corporations and countries who are using the plight of the developing world as a marketing strategy to gain acceptance of GE food as well as dependency upon it via intellectual property rights. That they are against any labeling or other precautionary steps and measures that countries may wish to take is of paramount concern. The reason that genetically engineered food could be dangerous is due to the lack of testing to ensure that extracting genes that perform an apparently useful function as part of that plant or animal is going to have the same effects if inserted into a totally unrelated species. It may be that in the long term, genetically modified food could provide us with benefits and be a safe alternative, but we cannot know that at this time due to the lack of safety testing. The testing that has been done is often to ensure that the crop grows. Yet, there has been less emphasis on testing the effects or testing the wider ecology and the associated impacts of this technology on humans and nature. Even if there has been some testing, the long-term effects to humans, animals and the environment are unknown. The full ramifications of modified genes mixing with unmodified ones are unknown (Caplan). T hus, genetically modified food may benefit us, but we cannot know that at this time because much needed testing has not been done and current studies point to dangers rather than benefits. However, a group of scientists in UK do claim that GE food may be safe, but they mention that the long-term effects are still unknown. Also, it should be noted that a lot of field tests that companies do

Monday, August 26, 2019

The relationship between atherosclerosis and stress Essay

The relationship between atherosclerosis and stress - Essay Example This fatty build-up would later thicken and then harden or form calcium deposits in the arteries, consequently blocking the arteries. Because of the build-up, the hardened deposits may block the flow of blood along the arteries (Dugdale, 2009). In instances when the coronary artery becomes narrowed by plaque deposits, then blood flow to the heart itself can either slow down or be stopped. The patient can experience chest pain, shortness of breath, and other symptoms when this happens (Dugdale, 2009). These fatty deposits may also break off (as embolus) and flow with the blood in the arteries and veins; they may eventually get lodged in the smaller blood vessels causing heart attacks or strokes (Dugdale, 2009). The causes for atherosclerosis have not been fully determined; however there are traits and conditions which have been considered as risk factors for this disease. It is a condition which slowly and gradually develops over time and may be worsened by factors which induce plaque formation or blood coagulation. These factors may include the following factors or causes: inflammation or infection, hypertension, smoking, and elevated LDL and VLDL (DeBruyne, 2003, p. 603). Other factors like high-fat diet, obesity, high-sodium diet, cigarette smoking, family history, and lack of exercise may also cause atherosclerosis (McConnell, 2007, p. 278). Stress is also being considered as a possible cause of atherosclerosis; however, no firm support has been set forth for this theory as yet. Nevertheless, Circulation, the journal of the American Heart Association cites a study which correlates the â€Å"degree of carotid arterial atherosclerosis with exaggerated response to mental stress in men under the age of 55† (as cited by Diagnose Me, 2009). Their study further established that strong blood pressure responses to stressful situations were seen in those with more advanced atherosclerosis in the carotid arteries as compared to

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Not sure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4

Not sure - Essay Example Bargaining for love is equivalent to trade. It is difficult to give a clean chit to Hamlet by analyzing the various phases of his relationship and professed love to Ophelia. Funeral oration (the incident at the grave of Ophelia) cannot be the true index of love. Heart is the real domain of love and not the logic and reasoning of the head. The more intense is the reasoning, more doubts it creates about genuinely. A lover is not like the lawyer trying to argue a false case. For example, the content and language of his letter to Ophelia that Polonius reads before the king and queen doesn’t sound creditworthy. Hamlet’s love looks like the flight of imagination, the dew of the morning that will melt facing the truth of sunshine. The warning by her brother Laertes that Hamlet’s love is a passing phase seems correct. If it is true love, should it change often as it happens in the case of Hamlet? True love is not situational. Will an individual feign madness to bitterly hurt his love? That situation could be the necessity of Shakespeare to give intelligent twist to the plot of the drama. But Hamlet doesn’t do justice to the cause of true love. Yet, he gives proof about his love in the above letter by claiming, â€Å" To the celestial and my soul's idol, the most beautified Ophelia ... Doubt thou the stars are fire, doubt that the sun doth move, doubt truth to be a liar, but never doubt I love." (II, 2) But this looks like the calculated overflow of the feelings. In the later part of the play his love diminishes and the reason given is that the brother and father of Ophelia are studying his moves for his objective to oppose the fructification of love. In such a situation an individual needs to be more firm. The opposition from the side of a girl in the situation like the one in which Ophelia was placed was but normal. When firm display of love was required, Hamlet backtracked. Professing love, when the going is good is not the indication of true love. Adverse circumstances are the testing times. Hamlet’s bitter speech in a harsh tone when he states, â€Å"Get thee to a nunnery!† and then accusing Ophelia, and all women, of the crimes of his mother guilty of, go against his professed love. Can an individual who truly loves, can hurl accusations, insult and berate to the extent which Hamlet does? One, who is against the entire women-folk, cannot love a girl from the bottom of one’s heart. He should have found ways and means to keep the lines of communication with her. Even in the graveyard incident mentioned above, silence on the part of Hamlet on that occasion would have said much about his love than the virulent words defending his love. His contradictory pronouncements of "I did love you once" (III.i.114) and "I loved you not" (III.i.117) do nothing more than further verify Hamlet's lack of control over his own mind, which establishes one of his innate flaws. Hamlet’s misadventures in love are due to his psychological problems. His women characters are like the barometers to indicate how women were treated during the Elizabethan era. Women had no private emotional world of their own, as they were unimportant to men. Take the example of Polonius who was the domineering father who decisively interferes in the emotional world of his daughter and she is not allowed to talk to the man she loves. He argues: â€Å"Marry, well bethought 'Tis told me he hath very oft of late Given private time to you, and you yourself

Saturday, August 24, 2019

MIMA-123 evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

MIMA-123 evaluation - Essay Example Dombrock defined an unrecognized red cell antigen, which was ultimately named Doa (Swanson et al.1965). Eight years later, the antithetical antigen to Doa was identified and appropriately named Dob (Molthan et al 1973). The two antigens were put in the Dombrock blood group system (DO) and assigned IBST 014 by the International Society for Blood Transfusion (Lewis et al.1985). The Dombrock blood group started as a polymorphic system comprised of the two alleles, DOA and DOB. The antigens Doa and Dob are found on a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-linked glycoprotein belonging to the ADP-ribosyltransferases (ARTs) family. ARTs catalyze the transfer of ADP-ribose from ÃŽ ²-NAD+ to certain amino acid residues of target proteins (Ueda & Hayaishi, 1985). ADP-ribosylation is physiologically important because the process leads to protein inactivation, and in some cases pathogenecity; because this action has been related to that of bacterial toxins (Corda & Di Girolamo, 2003). In 1992, it was discovered that the Gregory (Gya) negative phenotype RBCs were also Do (a-b-) in addition to being Holley (Hy) and Joseph (Joa) negative as previously described (Banks et al.1992). Gya and Hy are high prevalence antigens which were first described in 1967, while the Joa antigen was described in 1972 (Reid 2003). Through immunoblotting analysis, Gya, Hy, and Joa antigens we re found on the same glycoprotein where the Do antigens reside (Spring et al.1994). The Gy (a-) phenotype was determined to be the null Dombrock (Donull) phenotype (Reid, 2003). Consequently, Gya, Hy, and Joa antigens were included in the Dombrock blood group system. In 2009, a new Do-related high-prevalence antigen named DOYA was discovered and added to the Dombrock group (Warke et al.2008; Daniels et al.2009), bringing the total to six distinct antigens in the Dombrock blood group. The current ISBT terminology for the Dombrock blood group system is shown in

Friday, August 23, 2019

Turandot Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Turandot - Essay Example Happy ending of the opera, as opposed to the play, was gloomed by sacrificial death of Liu. This touching image was created by Puccini, who rethought the original image of Gozzi’s heroine - a captive princess, energetic and insidious, secret rival of Turandot, who revealed the secret of the hero by trick and betrayed him. While Calaf and Turandot occur in Puccini's sources, Liu does not exist in either Gozzi’s or Schiller’s versions of the story. Adami and Simoni, the librettists for the opera, created her at Puccini's insistence and based her somewhat on Gozzi’s character Adelma, who is not very similar.  (Digaetani 57) Puccini opposed two contrasting women images: cold, cruel, alien to human senses, princess Turandot and fragile, delicate slave girl Liu. In their spiritual fight the victory remains with Liu, who, with her death, proved the invincible power of love. The idea of creating an opera struck Puccini suddenly in November 1919. He took an activ e part in writing of the libretto, suggesting scenic and dramatic situations, their motives, to his librettists - prolific playwright Giuseppe Adami (1878-1946) and poet Renato Simoni (1875-1952). In 1921, he started to compose music. Feeling that it was his last work, the composer was in a hurry, nevertheless, the work on the opera stretched for several years - the librettists could not finish the last act until 1924. The final duet and finale of Turandot, after Puccini’s death, was completed by his pupil, composer Franco Alfano, who used Puccini’s drafts. Final acts were often very difficult for Puccini, and he often struggled to complete the final acts of his previous operas—a pattern which became tragic in the case of Turandot as his work on the third and final act of this opera was interrupted by terminal cancer.  (Digaetani 31) The opera was premiered on April 25, 1926, in Milan, under the direction of Toscanini. When the last chords written by Puccini s ounded, the conductor lowered his wand, stopped the orchestra and said, â€Å"Here the Maestro laid down his pen.† The curtain slowly fell; loud applause changed, in some minutes, to complete silence when performers and the audience were leaving the theater. Opera was played completely only the next day. Turandot is a drama of strong passions, unfolding against the colorful background, where oddly mixed are oriental splendor and bloody violence, reality and symbolism. Small lyrical ariosos, depicting the feelings of the main characters, are mixed with grandiose crowd scenes with powerful choruses and colorful orchestral episodes. Musical language of the opera is complex. It used many of the achievements of modern harmony and the vocals of the two main characters demand prominent voices. Maybe that is why the last opera by Puccini has not won wide popularity, as his previous works and early creations. In fairy, legendary times lived in Beijing the princess - Turandot. She coul d only belong to someone of the royal retinue, who could solve her three riddles. A candidate, who fails, will be, like all previous ones, put to death and his severed head will decorate the walls of the palace. The opera begins with a stage of preparation for execution of the Persian prince, who was unable to solve the puzzles. He ought to die with the rising of the moon and

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Black Death Essay Example for Free

The Black Death Essay What were the short term and long term impacts of the Black Death on Medieval society? The Black Death is one of the most fatal diseases in human history and took its peak in Europe from 1348 to 1350. Half of Europe’s population was wiped out due to this disease and the short and long term impacts greatly affected the structure of Medieval Society. The Black Death or otherwise known as the plague was thought to have begun in Central Asia, which spread down the Silk Road and eventually to Europe in the 14th century. The disease was caused by the fleas on infected rats, which spread the infection by biting a person or animal. However, the disease could also be contracted by breathing in airborne droplets from a person who already had the plague. Trading ships helped spread the plague as there were many rats on board who could jump off at the harbours they were trading in. Symptoms for the plague began in the first few days and included headaches, feeling of weakness, aches in the legs and groin, a white coating on the tongue, fever, vomiting, muscles pains, bleeding of the lungs and mental instability. The victim would also begin to develop black buboes on the armpits, leg, neck or groin that are red when first formed but will eventually grow to the size of an egg, turn black and burst, ultimately killing the victim . This disease killed very quickly, between 2 to 4 days and gave the victim a strong desire to sleep, which would kill them if it was allowed. There were many ‘treatments’ to the Black Death, many of them ineffective and superstitious such as wearing a magpies beak around your neck and cutting a hole in your head to let out bad spirits. However, there were wise women that lived in villages who provided medicine from herbs that actually worked. In all, there were not many effective way to cure the plague as people back in the Medieval times had little scientific understanding and believed the plague was a punishment sent from God, hence there were people called flagellants who went around whipping themselves and begging for God’s forgiveness. The short impacts of the Black Death had changed Medieval society greatly. Whole families and towns were wiped out and it is estimated that around 200 million people in Europe fell to the plague. Villages and towns began barring anyone from entering in fear of the plague and some of the rich chose to escape overseas. People began running amok, drinking and enjoying themselves as much as they could as they believed they had not long to live. Others thought that living quietly would cure them of the plague while a large amount of people believed that the world was going to end. The Crusades (a religious war fought between the Christians and the Muslims) came to a halt as the soldiers fighting the war had mostly died from the plague. Prices for everything also went down as most of the customers were dead and Free land become quite common as the people who owned the land were all dead. There were so many deaths that there was no one to farm the lands and barely anything had been harvested, resulting in starvation. The Long term impacts of the Black Death were better living conditions for the peasants after the plague as there were hardly any people left so the peasants remaining could get more wages subsequently improving their houses, tools and clothes. Higher wages also meant that some could send their children to school where they learnt to read and write to get better jobs. More schools were built due to this development and life became much easier for the poor. The power that the church had over the people was also diminishing as many believed that the plague was sent to punish the wicked, which was mainly the peasants but when even people of the church began to die, people began to question the church’s power. There were also more opportunities for women as many men had died so the women had to fill in for their jobs. For the first time, women could be the head of a household and own a wage earning job such as a blacksmith. Peasants were not so bound to the land anymore and this caused problems as the feudal lords of those times lost power and more peasants began looking for a better life. However, these were not the only long term impacts of the Black Death and in 1381; an event occurred in England that had never taken place before in the Medieval Ages. This event took place due to the smaller number of people to work the land; the peasants wanted more wages and freedom so that they could live a better life. Taxes also grew higher because of war and the Poll Tax in 1381 was the highest ones, leading the Peasants to rebel in what is now called ‘The Peasant’s Revolt’. The Peasants Revolt was an event in Medieval history where common people fought for more rights and freedom. It began in the villagers when Essex refused to pay taxes and attacked the tax collectors starting a riot that spread through Kent and Essex. The peasants eventually grouped together and decided to march to London to force the King to give them more rights. They elected a leader called Wat Tyler on the 7th of June, released a priest called John Ball and assembled together outside of London where King Richard (the present 14 year old king) met the rebels at Mile End. Wat Tyler demanded six things from the King. He demanded that Serfdom was abolished, that there be no more feudal services for the peasants, that land would be held freely at 4d an acre per year, the church lands must be given to the people and that there should be no legal difference between one man and another. King Richard agreed to these requests and pardoned the rebels. The same day, King Richard went to meet the rebels again at the Banks of Thames but confusion amongst the rebels stopped him from landing. Some rebels left after being pardoned but some stayed and murdered two of the King’s advisors in the tower of London. After this, the King went into hiding when the peasants destroyed the Duke of Lancaster’s palace and freed the prisoners. Finally, the King met with the rebels again and Wat Tyler made more demands but was stabbed to death when some felt he was threatening the King. The rebels were disbanded and killed under order of the King, the revolt had failed. However, it would not be until at 500 years later that Wat Tyler’s demands became a reality. The Black Death was a devastating disease that occurred in Europe in the 14th century that wiped out half of the population. The short term impacts were not only of mass death but also of the events that took place afterwards, such as the Peasant’s Revolt that resulted from the short term impacts of the plague. Whether short term or long term, the Black Death greatly impacted Medieval Society and triggered some of the most major events in English history.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Planning and Developing a Marketing Campaign Essay Example for Free

Planning and Developing a Marketing Campaign Essay In this assignment, I will be exploring the marketing mix and all of its different factors as well as to apply this to Coca-Cola and how they are currently and may be affected by the marketing mix in the future. Product A product is anything that is capable of satisfying customer needs. There are two different offerings of this being, a physical item or of a virtual type. The product is therefore created at a specific cost and marketed at a desired price that would be deemed as acceptable for the quality of the item. Every product will follow a lifecycle, a company can increase its competitive edge. There are many different ways in which they can develop or expand upon a certain product so that it can remain relevant and up to date with the changing market especially when it reaches the decline or end of its life. Product development The process of creating or improving a product or service and managing it during all stages from design through marketing. Product development is a key part of introducing a new, appealing product to their audience, this process may involve numerous modifications to the product so that it does meet the needs and purpose of the product. There are various stages that a new or improved product or service goes through from design, through developing, testing, and marketing it. Form and Function form fit function, is used in manufacturing to describe the identifying characteristics of a part. For example, the screw is intended to hold other parts of the product together. In practice, the rule of form follows function, start the design process by first getting as much information as possible about the purpose of the piece you are creating. Using this process allows a company to understand and ensure that the product is acceptable as well as fit for its purpose. Without this process, the intentions and purpose for a product can be lost, which ideally is not a stage of which what a company would want to beat. Packaging Packaging is a very crucial part when creating and marketing a product because it is the first thing the customer sees before purchasing the product, therefore, this makes the packaging of the product to be respectable and appropriate to catch the eye of the consumer. How the product is packaged may also be what attracts the consumer to check out the product on the shelf or it could be a product that stands out from the rest online, amongst its competitors. For this reason, companies conduct extensive research on color schemes, designs and types of product packaging that is the most appealing to its intended consumer. The main function of packaging is to protect the product from damage during the process from the producer to the consumer, this process involves travel and shelf life of the product. Branding Branding a product was much easier when there were no websites, smartphones, interactive games or social media. Today, creative teams are required to seamlessly brand products across multiple media, using the same voice, design and messaging, often with different creative teams and designers creating separate brand extensions. Without a strong brand behind your product line, there’s little to compel a buyer to choose you over another option. And with so many options in most markets today, branding is more important than ever. Product branding gives the items in your store an identity within the marketplace. Good branding can allow your specific products to stand out against what a competitor offers, and engender the kind of brand loyalty that pulls customers into your store. That identity is built of numerous components, including logos, design, packaging, messaging as well as names and descriptions. Coca-Cola has been around since 1892 and has developed a well-known brand all over the world. They are a company who have worked on producing a high quality, refreshing product that meets the needs of their consumers. They have developed their product minimally and have always offered the same refreshing taste. From having a simple and unique design this has meant that they can stand out amongst competitive brands such as Pepsi. In addition, the look of the product has also been similar since they started, by doing this Coca-Cola is able to provide a distinctive well-known product all over the world. Coca-Cola is the best marketing and branding company in the world, the company built began with one soda. Today it is one of the world’s most valuable brands and they’ve done it by integrating different components into the marketing mix. Price – is the value that is put into a product or service and is the result of a complex set of calculations, research and understanding, and risk-taking ability. A pricing strategy takes into account segments, ability to pay, market conditions, competitor actions, trade margins and input costs, amongst others. It is targeted at the defined customers and against competitors. Penetration Pricing – Penetration pricing refers to a marketing strategy used by businesses to attract customers to a new product or service. Penetration pricing is the practice of offering a low price for a new product or service during its initial offering in order to lure customers away from competitors. Penetration pricing is most commonly associated with a marketing objective of increasing market share or sales volume. In the short term, penetration pricing is likely to result in lower profits than would be the case if the price were set higher. Skimming Pricing – Price skimming is a pricing strategy in which a marketer sets a relatively high initial price for a product or service at first, then lowers the price over time. It is a temporal version of price discrimination/yield management. Competitive Pricing – Competitive pricing is setting the price of a product or service based on what the competition is charging. This pricing method is used more often by businesses selling similar products since services can vary from business to business, while the attributes of a product remain similar. This type of pricing strategy is generally used once a price for a product or service has reached a level of equilibrium, which occurs when a product has been on the market for a long time and there are many substitutes for the product. Cost plus Pricing – Cost-plus pricing, also called markup pricing or markup pricing is the practice by a company of determining the cost of their product to them and then adding a percentage on top of that price to determine the selling price to the customer. Cost-plus pricing is a very simple cost-based pricing strategy for setting the prices of goods and services. The amount of money charged for a product or service, or the sum of the values that Consumers exchange for the benefits of having or using the product or services. As price gives us the profit so this P is very important for a business price of the product should be that which gives maximum benefit to the company and which gives maximum satisfaction to the customer. For Coca-Cola, there are many factors that they kept in mind while determining the pricing strategy. Firstly, the price should be set according to the product demand of public because it is of what which gives the company maximum revenue. Price should also not be too low or too high then the price competitor is charging from otherwise nobody will buy their product. Another factor is that price must be keeping the view of your target market. The price of Coca-Cola, despite being the market leader is the same as that of its competitors, sometimes, Pepsi places its customers into some psychological pricing strategies by reducing a high priced bottle and consumers think that they save a lot of money from this. Place – In the marketing mix, the process of moving products from the producer to the intended user is called the place. In other words, it is how your product is bought and where it is bought. This movement could be through a combination of intermediaries such as distributors, wholesalers, and retailers. In addition, a newer method is the internet which itself is a marketplace now. Through the use of the right place, a company can increase sales and maintain these over a longer period of time. In turn, this would mean a greater share of the market and increased revenues and profits. Correct placement is a vital activity that is focused on reaching the right target audience at the right time. Distribution Channels – Channels are broken into direct and indirect forms, with a \direct\ channel allowing the consumer to buy the good from the manufacturer, and a \indirect\ channel allowing the consumer to buy the good from a wholesaler or retailer. A distribution channel is a chain of businesses or intermediaries through which a good or service passes until it reaches the end consumer. It can include wholesalers, retailers, distributors and even the internet itself. Retailers – A retailer is a person or business that sells goods to the public in relatively small quantities for use or consumption rather than for resale. Retail distribution is the most traditional form of the distribution channel. The common model includes the manufacturer using an intermediary such as a wholesaler or distributor to deliver products directly to retailers, then ultimately to the consumer.   Wholesalers – Manufacturers may also employ wholesale operations that purchase products from manufacturers at a deeply discounted price. The wholesaler often uses a distributor or other smaller wholesaler as an intermediary to deliver products in bulk to retailers, or it may offer products directly to retailers or consumers. The scope of the manufacturer relationship with the wholesaler can have varying effects on product delivery time and price. Coca-Cola is a global business that operates on a local scale, in every community where we do business. We are able to create global reach with local focus because of the strength of the Coca-Cola system, which comprises our Company and our nearly 250 bottling partners worldwide. The firms distribution system is one of the most well planned and executed compared to all other drinks of the same category. It has such an impact on consumers and is so successful that even wholesalers and distributors need the product for their business’ success. Coke’s position on consumer’s mind makes it essential to retailers and wholesalers. They have achieved their goal due to this high visibility, and to the availability of their products all over the world, even remote places. Promotion – There is much more to promotion than advertising. Businesses use various methods to gain publicity. Promotion refers to the methods used by a business to make customers aware of its product. Advertising is just one of the means a business can use to create publicity. For example, product promotion performed by a typical business might take the form of advertising the product in question via print or Internet ads, direct mail or e-mail letters, trade shows, telephone and personal sales calls, TV and radio ads, billboards, posters and flyers. Public relations – Public relations is the way organizations, companies and individuals communicate with the public and media. A PR specialist communicates with the target audience directly or indirectly through media with an aim to create and maintain a positive image and create a strong relationship with the audience. Examples include press releases, newsletters, public appearances, etc. as well as utilization of the World Wide Web. Sponsorship – advertising that seeks to establish a deeper association and integration between an advertiser and a publisher, often involving coordinated beyond-the-banner placements. Examples of sponsorships vary widely, as the whole point is to establish a unique advertising opportunity than afforded by typical rotating advertisements. They may include several fixed ad placements, advertorials, co-branded content sections, or anything the advertiser and publisher can agree on. Social and or other Media – The emergence of Internet-based social media has made it possible for one person to communicate with hundreds or even thousands of other people about products and the companies that provide them. The impact of consumer-to-consumer communications has been greatly magnified in the marketplace. The first role of social media is reliable with the use of traditional integrated marketing Communication tools. That is, companies can use social media to talk to their customers through such platforms as blogs, as well as Facebook groups. These media may either be the company- sponsored or sponsored by other individuals or organizations. The second promotion-related role of social media is unique: customers can use it to communicate with one another. Guerrilla marketing – The goal of guerrilla marketing was to use unconventional tactics to advertise on a small budget. It is an advertisement strategy concept designed for businesses to promote their products or services in an unconventional way with little budget to spend. This involves high energy and imagination focusing on grasping the attention of the public in more personal and memorable level. The term guerrilla marketing was inspired by guerrilla warfare which is a form of irregular warfare and relates to the small tactic strategies used by armed civilians. Many of these tactics include ambushes, sabotage, raids and elements of surprise. Much like guerrilla warfare, guerrilla marketing uses the same sort of tactics in the marketing industry. Personal selling – Personal selling is the process of communicating with a potential buyer face-to-face with the purpose of selling a product or service. Personal selling is one part of a company\s promotion mix, along with advertising, sales promotion, and public relations. It is a strategy that salespeople use to convince customers to purchase a product. The salesperson uses a personalized approach, tailored to meet the individual needs of the customer, to demonstrate the ways that the product will benefit the company. Product placement – An advertising technique used by companies to subtly promote their products through a non-traditional advertising technique, usually through appearances in film, television, or other media. Product placements are often initiated through an agreement between a product manufacturer and the media company in which the media company receives an economic benefit. A company will often pay a fee to have their product used, displayed, or significantly featured in a movie or show. For example, Coca-Cola could pay a given fee to have the title character drinking a Coke, instead of a Pepsi beverage. Digital Marketing – The promotion of products or brands via one or more forms of electronic media. For example, advertising mediums that might be used as part of the digital marketing strategy of a business could include promotional efforts made via the Internet, social media, mobile phones and electronic billboards, as well as via digital and television and radio channels. Corporate image – Similar to a firm\s reputation or goodwill, it is the public perception of the firm rather than a reflection of its actual state or position. Unlike corporate identity, it is fluid and can change overnight from positive to negative to neutral. Large firms use various corporate advertising techniques to enhance their image in order to improve their desirability as a supplier, employer, customer or the borrower.

Impact of Violence in Video Games

Impact of Violence in Video Games Introduction to the impact of violence in video games Purpose of violence in video games Purpose of dissertation Research question and hypothesis Methodology .. About. On Existing Information . Practical Approach History History: . Why Story is Important in Game: .. Case Study: .. Literature Review: .. Data Analysis Gaming Market Share . Stats of games released in recent 3 years: Introduction Contents Introduction to the impact of violence in video games Purpose of violence in video games Purpose of dissertation Research question and hypothesis Just like movies and other forms of media, video games have always been criticized as an influence to violent and aggressive behavior by news print media and public opinion. There has always been an argument about video games imparting graphic violence, partial or full nudity, portrayal of immoral behavior or other provoking and offensive material to a childs mind. Studies indicate that video games are one of the prime factors contributing to addiction and aggression. Yet numerous studies have found that video games dont contribute to these problems. Moreover, several groups have claimed that there are few if any methodically proven studies to support these reports, and that the video game industry has become an easy target for the media to be accountable for many contemporary problems. Also, many researchers have proposed possible positive effects of video games on parts of communal and mental development and psychological well-being. It has been presented that action video game players have far better hand and eye coordination and visual and motor skills, such as their resistance to distraction and their sensitivity to information in the outlying vision and also their ability to count briefly presented objects than non-players. Purpose of violence in video games I believe that today our media reflects us as a culture. Besides that it also helps form that culture in turn. Humanity embraces violence, as shown by thousands and thousands of years of history. We desire peace while formulating war. Its a very human contrast. Why, then, wouldnt our most popular pastime involve the same clash? We want innovation; nevertheless we still seek out the experiential violence that we hanker as a species. I also believe that its far better to allow ourselves to shoot each other online in simulated virtual worlds than do so in real life. As I have explored video gaming as a cultural occurrence, Ive found that every players experience of games is completely different. My own non-violent trends color my responsiveness of games that are explicit in their subjects of war and violence and cruelty. I am not stating that i dont see the significance in such games, particularly when taking  into account the existing modern culture. What has been an excellent instrument to exhibit how societies view and express themselves are written media, films and novels which expresses war, death , life and what it worth to be a human. I feel Video games are no different. They are reaching to a certain critical mass, in terms of technological ability and thematic scope that, I believe, will compete with the range and impact of film and books in a very short span of time. Hopefully, videogames mature into their full potential as a media and they begin to take on other themes and topics such as Love, and family, and working together in soc iety as much a part of being a human as war and violence. Problem Statement Purpose of Dissertation I am writing this dissertation to display how video games have matured, switching from the days of gentle  Pac-Man  clones to the gritty, sleazy underworlds of  Grand Theft Auto. Through this transformation, they have found critics and supporters. Though this may all seem recent, its a debate that has been boiling for years. Research Questions: What is the role of video games in the media world? With what can we evaluate the violence exposure and aggression? How is the attitude of viewers and players changing their values and behavior? What ways can help the field of gaming to be free of negative impact? Is there a significant evidence that exposure to media violence is a risk factor for aggressive and violent behavior? What is the conclusion of the issue of violence in relation to videogames? What effect does the violence in video games have on the users? What percentage of violence is accredited to video games? Methodology Contents About On Existing Information Practical Approach About This dissertations main object is to show the impact of violence in video games on todays culture and consumer preferences. The document will show both the negative and positive effects of violence in video games. On Existing Information It is made sure that all the information gathered through various electronic and traditional media are as current as possible. For this dissertation Ive used Google as my prime source material, while supplementing this thesis are various news websites like, and various relevant print media. Further more I would be researching books on video game violence and collect data from the already existing surveys and studies. Practical Approach My approach would be to show how violence in videogames shape the psychological behavior of the consumer and show what are the positive and negative effects of too much violence and graphic themes in modern day video games. I would be conducting various surveys and research on ground level, and based on most current controversial events that have occurred in the world of video games. Based on the demography of the recipient I would be taking some surveys that would have ask them their preferences and inclination towards graphic violence, nudity, gore etc.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Comparing Virginia Woolfs Mrs. Dalloway and Emily Brontes Wuthering H

Comparing Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway and Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway and Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights share similarities in many aspects, perhaps most plainly seen in the plots: just as Clarissa marries Richard rather than Peter Walsh in order to secure a comfortable life for herself, Catherine chooses Edgar Linton over Heathcliff in an attempt to wrest both herself and Heathcliff from the squalid lifestyle of Wuthering Heights. However, these two novels also overlap in thematic elements in that both are concerned with the opposing forces of civilization or order and chaos or madness. The recurring image of the house is an important symbol used to illustrate both authors’ order versus chaos themes. Though Woolf and Bronte use the house as a symbol in very different ways, the existing similarities create striking resonances between the two novels at certain critical scenes. In Mrs. Dalloway, Clarissa Dalloway undergoes an internal struggle between her love for society and life and a combined affinity for and fear of death. Her practical marriage to Richard serves its purpose of providing her with an involved social life of gatherings and parties that others may find frivolous but Clarissa sees as â€Å"an offering† to the life she loves so well. Throughout the novel she grapples with the prospect of growing old and approaching death, which after the joys of her life seems â€Å"unbelievable†¦ that it must end; and no one in the whole world would know how she had loved it all; how, every instant†¦Ã¢â‚¬  At the same time, she is drawn to the very idea of dying, a theme which is most obviously exposed through her reaction to the news of Septimus Smith’s suicide. However, this crucial scene r... the juxtaposition of order and chaos. The roles that the houses of both stories play in this theme bring to light interesting similarities between the characters and thematic elements as well as revealing differences. Both Woolf and Bronte use the open window as a symbol for the opportunity to see beyond the physical, the ordered, into something less controllable by civilization. However, Catherine seems to be trapped in an unnatural and dangerous cycle of passion and madness that only dissipates after Heathcliff’s death, whereas Clarissa continues with life in society despite her attraction to death and to Septimus. The resonances between the window scenes of these two novels, though simultaneously similar and disparate, shed light on the nature of Clarissa’s and Catherine’s characters as well as on the two authors’ use of the civilization versus wildness theme.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Film Review :: essays research papers

WRITING A FILM REVIEW Be sure to check out film terminology! In writing your film review, remember that your writing is intended to be persuasive. Additionally, your writing should demonstrate clearly that you not only viewed the film, but also read the novel or play which formed the basis of the film. Paragraph 1: Offer your overall impression of the film while mentioning the movie's title, director, and key actors. Paragraph 2: Summarize the plot of the film, noting differences from the original novel or play. Paragraph 3: How did the actors portray key character roles? Did they fulfill your expectations given your knowledge of the original novel or play? Paragraph 4: Were any particular film techniques used in key scenes? How did the film techniques and music enhance the setting and themes of the film? Paragraph 5: Address how well the film represents the themes of the novel or play. Offer evidence for your opinion. Remember to mention use of symbols and literary devices. Do they "transfer" from the novel/play into the movie well? Paragraph 6: Ending paragraph--your last opportunity to convince the reader. Offer a clincher that tells the reader to attend the film or not. Film Terminology General Terms Shot: continuous, unedited piece of film of any length Scene: a series of shots that together form a complete episode or unit of the narrative Storyboard: Drawn up when designing a production. Plans AV text and shows how each shot relates to sound track. (Think comic strip with directions - like a rough draft or outline for a film.) Montage: The editing together of a large number of shots with no intention of creating a continuous reality. A montage is often used to compress time, and montage shots are linked through a unified sound - either a voiceover or a piece of music. Parallel action: narrative strategy that crosscuts between two or more separate actions to create the illusion that they are occurring simultaneously Shots Long Shot: Overall view from a distance of whole scene often used as an establishing shot - to set scene. Person - will show whole body. Medium or Mid Shot: Middle distance shot - can give background information while still focusing on subject. Person - usually shows waist to head. Close Up: Focuses on detail / expression / reaction. Person - shows either head or head and shoulders. Tracking shot: single continuous shot made with a camera moving along the ground

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Islam Essay -- essays research papers

the Islamic Congress's president, Mohamed Elmasry. Mr. Elmasry said there are bad Muslims just as there are bad Christians and Jews. "We treat them as such and so should you. But Islam is a religion of peace. Muslims have a religious duty to be tolerant of other faiths and other ideologies.'' Mr. Elmasry said journalists need to differentiate between the peaceful teachings of Islam and the claims of some Muslim extremists that their actions are justified by their interpretations of Islam. He likened the situation of Canadian Muslims today to that of Canadian Jews 50 years ago. "Jewish children were being (wrongly) called Christ-killers just as Muslim children are called terrorists today.'' In their letter to the editor in the April 27 issue of the College Hill Independent, Jumana Musa and Shadi Nahvi made some excellent points. They rightly asserted that the Western press tends to portray Arabs and Muslims according to stereotypes and these myths persist partly due to West ern popular ignorance about Arabs and Muslims. Since the Muslims students at Brown condemned the bombing of a Tel Aviv bus last year, I am learning to separate the handful of Muslim and Arab extremists who commit terrorist attacks against Israeli and Jewish civilians from the millions of Muslim believers who do not participate in this violence and sometimes express opposition to it. Since I began interacting with Muslims students through the kosher/hallal meal plan this year, I am changing my perceptions of Muslims and seeing them as people instead of abstractions. I think that many, many people in the United States and in western countries, in Europe, are afraid of a monster called Islam. And as the honorable Congressman Dana Rohrabacher said, it is an insult to consider the whole of Muslims, to take them into one side, and make them extremists. Really it is not correct. It is a little bit insulting. What is the definition of extremism? We can see in all of history: even when the f irst settlers came to the United States they were from different countries; Spain, England, France, European Countries. They were fighting on this land and fighting with the Indians. Do we call this extremism? A fight for a better living, which you understand you are doing not for a religious motive, is not extremism. Extremism in Islam, or in religion, is when you use religion to label intolerance, to... ... in the whole world. The US today as a result of the arrogant atmosphere has set a double standard, calling whoever goes against its injustice a terrorist. It wants to occupy our countries, steal our resources, impose on us agents to rule us based not on what God has revealed and wants us to agree on all these. If we refuse to do so, it will say you are terrorists. The US does not consider it a terrorist act to throw atomic bombs at nations thousands of miles away, when it would not be possible for those bombs to hit military troops only. The US does not consider it terrorism when hundreds of thousands of our sons and brothers in Iraq died for lack of food or medicine. It is known that every action has its reaction. If the American presence continues, and that is an action, then it is natural for reactions to continue against this presence. In other words, explosions and killings of the American soldiers would continue. A man with human feelings in his heart does not distinguish between a child killed in Palestine or in Lebanon, in Iraq or in Bosnia. So how can we believe your claims that you came to save our children in Somalia while you kill our children in all of those places?

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Freak the Mighty Essay

Freak the Mighty is a story about the power of a true friendship. Freak and Max are two boys who were so different, and yet had much in common with one another. Freak as well as Max both had limitations and this helped them to become friends. They both run into problems, but together they are â€Å"Freak the Mighty, slaying dragons, rescuing fair maidens, and walking high above the world. † There are differences between Freak and Max. Max is big and tall, a slow thinker, and runs away from his problems. Freak is small, smart, and tries very hard to be brave. There are similarities between the two boys, both have a disability, both do not known their dads, and both are in fear of something. In the story it shows how Max is afraid of joining life here on Earth and Freak is afraid of leaving life here on Earth. Max handles this fear by staying quiet and giving in to people when they bother him and Freak deals with his fear by convincing himself that he will be saved by receiving bionic body parts. Main Events: Freak the Mighty finds Loretta’s purse and gives it to her. Max murdering dad kidnaps him and Freak saves him by spraying a liquid at him from his water gun. Freak gets very ill and goes into the hospital. Conclusion: In the story Max was so busy rescuing adventures, treasure hunting, and slaying dragons that he did not even realize that he already had begun living life. Freak realizes that he will die, but knows that he will stay alive through Max’s story of his and Max’s adventures. When Freak dies, Max feels as if he lost a part of himself because they were friends. Loretta gives Max hope after Freak dies by telling him â€Å"nothing is a drag. Think about it! † 1 Fact and 1 Opinion One fact is that this book is for anybody to read because it shares the story about people with disabilities and what they have to go through in their lives. My opinion is that everyone in school should be made to read this book because it might help them know what people that are different from them is going through.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Of Studies by Francis Bacon Essay

Of Studies is the first essay of the first collection of ten essays of Francis Bacon which was published in 1597. But it was revised for the edition of 1612. More than dozen new sentences were added and some words were also altered. Of Studies is typically Baconian essay with an astonishing terseness, freshness of illustrations, logical analysis, highly Latinized vocabulary, worldly wisdom and Renaissance enlightenment. Bacon through a syllogistic tripartite statement begins his argument to validate the usefulness and advantage of study in our life. Bacon has the power of compressing into a few words a great body of thought. Thus he puts forward the three basic purposes of studies: â€Å"Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability†. He later expands his sentence to bring lucidity and clearness. Studies fill us delight and aesthetic pleasure when we remain private and solitary. While we discourse, our studies add decoration to our speech. Further, the men of study can decide best on the right lines in business and politics. Bacon deprecates too much studies and the scholar’s habit to make his judgment from his reading instead of using his independent views. Bacon is a consummate artist of Renaissance spirit. Thus he knows the expanse of knowledge and utility of studies. He advocates a scientific enquiry of studies. Through an exquisite metaphor drawn from Botany he compares human mind to a growing plant. As the growing plants need to be pruned and watered and manured for optimum development, the new growing conscience of us are to be tutored, mounded, oriented and devised by studies. But it is experience which ultimately matures our perception and leads us to perfection: â€Å"They perfect nature, and are perfected by experience: for natural abilities are like natural plants that need proyning by study†. Next Bacon considers what persons despise studies and what people praise them and what people make practical use of them. The crafty men condemn studies; simple men admire them while the wise men make ultimate use of it. But it should be remembered that the inquisitive mind and keen observation  cultivate the real wisdom. Bacon advises his readers to apply studies to ‘weigh and consider’ rather than useless contradictions and grandiloquence. In The Advancement of Learning Bacon makes systematic classifications of studies and considers different modes to be employed with different kinds of books: â€Å"Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed and some few to be chewed and digested†. The books according to its value and utility are to be devised into various modes of articulations. The worthy classical pragmatic sort are to be adorned by expertise reading with diligence while the meaner sort of books or less important books are to be read in summary or by deputy. Again the global span of knowledge is revealed in his analysis of various subjects and their beneficent categories. The scholarly mind of Bacon here makes the subtle observation: â€Å"Histories make men wise; poets witty; the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend†. Studies do not shape a perfect man without the needed conference and writing. â€Å"And therefore if a man write little, he had need have a great memory; if he confer little he had need have much cunning, to seem to know that he doth’ not†. Bacon further tells us that our studies pass into our character (Abeunt studia in mores). Rightly so the constitution of our moral disposition is the outcome of our learning and experience. Every defect of the mind, Bacon says, may be cured by a proper choice of reading. Bacon here draws a parallel between the physical exercise and intellectual exercise. As different games, sports, exercises beget growth and development, the different branches of studies cures the in capability of logic, wondering of wit, lack of distinguish etc. Bacon emphatically concludes that every defect of the mind may have a special receipt and remedial assurance. Of Studies contains almost all the techniques of Bacon’s essay writing and the world of his mind. It is full of wisdom, teachings and didacticism. In style, the essay is epigrammatic proverbial form, of balance and force. It is full of warmth and colour, profound wit and knowledge, experience and observation.

Incidences of Sexual Harassment: Cases from Nortern Cyprus

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Sexual harassment is not a new phenomenon. It has probably existed as long as both sexes have been in existence. Sexual harassment is harassment or unwelcome attention of a sexual nature. It includes a variety of behaviors, including mild transgressions and annoyances to serious abuses, which also involves forced sexual activity (Boland, 2002). Males as harassers and females as victims are the most common types of sexual harassment (O’Donohue et al, 1998). Research on sexual harassment usually falls into two categories: (1) investigating the dimensions of sexual harassment, and (2) investigating the factors that influence an individual’s perception of sexual harassment (Tata, 1993, cited in LaRocca, 1999). These factors include severity of the behavior, context in which the behavior occurs i. e. , power differentials, and incidental attributes of the persons involved i. e. , physical attractiveness. Rubin and Borges (cited in LaRocca, 1999) found that about 70 % of the women they surveyed reported some form of sexual harassment while attending classes at a university, and that majority of these sexual harassment incidents went unreported. Sexual harassment has been acknowledged to be a widespread and recurring problem in employment as well as educational settings (LaRocca, 1999). Sexual harassment in schools is recognized as a public health problem detrimental to students’ psychosomatic health (Gadin, 2002, cited in Witkowski, 2005). Awareness of harassment in an organization gives rise to psychological distress among individuals who have not been directly victimized (Schneider, 2001, cited in Witkowska, 2005). Studies have usually examined harassment and abuse in isolation rather than in the context of the total academic experience (Carr et al, 2006). Financial loss is a major consequence of sexual harassment to organizations (Worsfold and McCann, 2000), and it is more expensive to ignore the problem of sexual harassment than to provide training to the employees and employers, or students as the case may be. Sexual harassment has negative repercussions on the individual, the organization, and the community in general (O’Donohue, Downs, and Yeater, 1998). Headaches, backaches, nausea, weight loss or gain, sleep disturbance, neck pain, tiredness and psychological reactions, such as depression, anxiety, fear, anger, shame, guilt, helplessness, isolation, lowered self-esteem, lowered self-confidence, and nervousness are common for both working women and female college students who fall prey to sexual harassment (American Association of University Women, 2002). College students are known to have forfeited work, research, education comfort and even future career, due to sexual harassment (American Association of University Women, 2002). Thacker (1996), further states that formal education is an important factor in an individual’s career and personal development, and so stunting or obstructing a person’s educational accomplishment can have severe consequences. Formerly, sexual harassment has been seen largely as an instance of regular males’ sex pursuit of women in the workplace or classroom. However, researchers have begun to turn from studying sexual harassment as a problem between individuals, to a problem of organizational climate (www. de2. psu. edu/harssment/generalinfo. html). Thus, this study hopes to shed light on the nature of the organizational climate of E. M. U. This is because studying the perception of students on their understanding of what construes sexual behavior will provide an avenue for E. M. U to create and implement sexual harassment policies that will provide a sexual harassment-free studying environment for students. It also creates a foundation for further research. Schools may be considered as workplaces for students, just as they are for adult employees (Witkowska and Menckel, 2005). The school is an arena for students’ first contact with working life, and a place where they spend a large proportion of their time. 1. 1 Rationale for the Study In the course of carrying out a study on the incidences of sexual harassment of trainees in the tourism and hospitality industry of North Cyprus, the researcher found out that there was no clear cut definition of what sexual harassment means to these students. It is essential that we reformulate our focus to identify what sexual harassment means for students of E. M. U. The study hopes to provide data and theoretical evidence on the context in which E. M. U students perceive sexual harassment. To be successful in today’s competitive organizational environment, it is important for the administration of Eastern Mediterranean University to realize the significance of a sexual harassment-free school environment. It is also important to understand how students feel about the issue. Without a clear-cut definition of what constitutes sexual harassment, it will be difficult for the university to identify and deal with it. Because of the increase in incidences of sexual harassment in higher learning institutions (American Association of University Women, 2006), the negative psychological effects it has on students, e. g. , anxiety, tension, irritability, depression, headaches, lower morale, and the costs of lawsuit settlements increasing all over the world, it is with a pro-active view that this research looks at the perspective of sexual harassment by students in E. MU. Previous studies have contended that the best way to reduce sexual harassment is through prevention (Newman, 2000, cited in Wanthanee et al, 2006). Most of the studies that have examined sexual harassment have been conducted in the United States and other Western countries, thus; the findings from these studies may not be applicable in North Cyprus, given the difference in values and culture between countries. Social-sexual behaviors that may constitute sexual harassment in some countries may be perceived as acceptable in another (Hardman and Heidelberg, 1996, cited in Limpaphayom et al, 2006). Organizations need to establish effective sexual harassment policies and procedures, interventions and training programs to combat the problem (Newman, 2000, cited in Witowska, 2005). However, without a commonly accepted, behavioral –based definition of what constitutes sexual harassment, the degree to which the problem exists cannot be accurately assessed, an understanding of complaints and reactions cannot be reached, and organizations cannot accurately address the problem through policies or training (Nielson, 1996). More research is needed in terms of the effect of gender difference on sexual harassment perceptions and reactions. Current literature based on the United States sample shows no clear consensus whether males and females agree on what behaviors constitute sexual harassment. Perceived gender difference on sexual harassment perceptions in other countries or cultures remain largely unexplored (Wanthanee et al, 2006). 1. 2 Aims of the Study Despite recent interest in sexual harassment in schools around the globe, research in North Cyprus and other European countries remains limited. Therefore, the main objective of this study is to investigate the perception of male and female students of E. M. U in North Cyprus on sexual harassment. Thereby, the study aims to examine whether the sexual harassment construct varies across two specific genders, comparing male and female samples as to what behaviors may be perceived as sexual harassment. The present study builds on previous exploratory studies on sexual harassment and attempts to add to the development of a commonly accepted, behavioral based definition of a hostile work or school environment by identifying specific behaviors perceived by students to create a hostile school environment. Therefore, the aims of this study are: 1. To identify specific sexual behaviors perceived by students as contributing to the creation of differing levels of a hostile work environment. 2. Identify how these perceptions vary across selected demographic factors. 3. Identify how these perceptions are formed. 4. Provide recommendations to E. M. U. concerning the development and implementation of sexual harassment policies and procedures. 1. 4 Scope Of The Study The study will discuss the definition, theories and effects of sexual harassment, with emphasis on perceived differences of male and female gender. It will also give details of the classifications and categories of sexual harassment, with in-depth review of past research on the topic. Further, the study will focus on students who are registered full time in E. M. U. Based on the findings of the study and previous research, results will be analyzed and concluded. 1. 5 Outline of the Thesis The thesis has four chapters will comprise of 5 Chapters. Chapter One gives a background of the entire study, outlining a brief background of the topic, and stating the aims and objectives of the study. It also states the rationale as to why the subject of sexual harassment was chosen for the study. Chapter Two presents a review of the literature. It discusses what previous researches have concluded about the definition, classification, effects and incidences of sexual harassment, placing emphasis on the perceived differences of males and females on sexual harassment. It will also give information about Eastern Mediterranean University, North Cyprus, where the sample will be taken. Chapter Three gives detailed information about how the data set for the study are collected. Data for the study were collected through survey of the students, with questions asked based on the 5 categories of sexual harassment. Thus, the research will use quantitative methodology, using target sampling method to collect primary data. Chapter Four presents the findings. This section presents a detailed report on the perception of the respondents on the context of sexual harassment, supported by the researcher’s conclusions based on past literature and research. Respondents are categorized based on how they report their perceptions, experiences, and how they feel about it. Chapter Five presents a discussion of the findings, limitations faced in collecting data, and the conclusion. In this final chapter, suggestions are proffered to the University administration on how to educate students on issues and policies of sexual harassment. Finally, future research areas are proposed. CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2. 1 Defining Sexual Harassment The definition of sexual harassment adopted by the European Commission in 1991 refers to unwanted conduct of a sexual nature, or other conduct based on sex affecting the dignity of women or men at work. This includes unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct (Witkowska, 2005). According to Dziech et al (1990), sexual harassment is harassment or unwelcome attention of a sexual nature. It includes a variety of behaviors that include mild transgressions, serious abuses, and can involve forced sexual activity. EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) in the United States, defines sexual harassment as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, when submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting an individual, or where such conduct has the purpose or effect of interfering unreasonably with the individual’s work performance, or creates an offensive, hostile or intimidating working environment. (US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 1992, cited in Limpaphayom et al, 2006). One chief difficulty in defining sexual harassment is that people with different demographic and/or social backgrounds have different perceptions of what sexual harassment consists of (Foulis and McCabe, 1997, cited in Lin, 2004). Inconsistencies and disagreements on what actually constitutes a hostile working environment and the degree to which sexual harassment is present in the workplace may be the result of two important factors: first, sampling differences found in previous research, and second, lack of a commonly accepted, behavioral based definition of sexual harassment (Nielson, 1996). In November 1993, the Supreme court handed down a decision in Harris versus Forklift Systems Inc, that no longer required complainants to prove that a hostile or abusive environment caused them psychological injury- the complainant needed to simply show that the defendant’s behavior was either physically threatening or humiliating or unreasonably interfered with his or her work (Reynolds, 1994, cited in Nielson, 1996). Based on the above decision, it is clear that there is still no accepted definition of sexual harassment. Individual interpretation is inherent in the identification of a hostile work environment. Behavior that is considered harassing by one individual may not be harassment to someone else, and the reason for these differences in perceptions remain unclear. Sexual harassment seems to be in the eyes of the person being harassed, and it is left to the courts to decide what constitutes acceptable or unacceptable behavior. Although the researcher realizes that it is difficult to define the exact boundaries of sexual harassment, for the purpose of this study, sexual harassment is defined as unacceptable conduct of a sexual nature, or other conduct based on sex that interferes with a student’s right to a supportive, respectful and safe learning environment in school, or that affects a student’s dignity in a negative way. This definition includes both the quid pro quo and hostile work environment types of harassment listed by the European Commission, which captures a broad range of behaviors so as to better describe the nature of sexual harassment in school. Also, because schools are mainly educational institutions, it is necessary to evaluate standards of school behavior related to sexual harassment in a broader learning context than is the case for working adults. 2. 2 Theories of Sexual Harassment. 1. Sociobiology- This perspective argues that males are biologically programmed to be sexual aggressors and that sexual behavior in the workplace is an aspect of biological inheritance (www. de2. psu. edu/harssment/generalinfo. html). Proponents of this theory agree that though sexual behavior in the workplace is inappropriate, it is however, unavoidable, and argue that acting in accordance with one’s biological impulses should not be considered offensive or illegal ( Murrey, 2000). 2. Patriarchy- This perspective holds that men have social, political and economic power over women, and women are defined by the system as sexual in nature (www. de2. psu. edu/harssment/generalinfo. html). In some cultures, women are confined to the home as wives and mothers and female children are not formally educated. In other cultures (such as that of the researcher of the present survey, in Nigeria), women are not confined to the home, but, stereotypes about appropriate male and female behavior assign women a subordinate sexualized identity. Proponents of this theory believe that social structure must change before harassment can be eliminated. This can be done if both men and women are taught about the nature of stereotyping, and there are no links between power and sexuality (Barth and Raymon, 1995). 3. Culture- This perspective maintains that men and women are socialized into different cultures, different beliefs, values and ways of communication (www. de2. psu. edu/harssment/generalinfo. html). Proponents here believe that traditionally, the workplace has been a male culture where men joke and tease each other, and talk about women in a not too respectful manner, so, women who want to enter this scene should not expect men to change their culture in a minute; however men must learn to work along with women in the workplace (Taylor, J. K, 1999). Another argument here is that, suggesting that comments about sex are more offensive to women than men is stereotyping and it is gender discrimination, so the culture of the workplace should be a culture of respect towards all persons. 4. Discourse-The discursive perspective holds that communication creates and shapes social reality, so that communicative practices create assumptions about the nature of the world, which influence our opinions and behavior (www. de2. psu. edu/harssment/generalinfo. tml). This means that feelings and emotions are defined and taught so that people who harass and people who are harassed come to feel these behaviors are normal. Until recently, incidences of sexual harassment were not seen as inappropriate, but instead seen as normal in men’s conduct towards women (Wood, J, 1994). 2. 3 Classification of Sexual Harassment Hadjifotou (1983) classified sexual harassment into 5 categories: 1. Sexual remarks, jokes, catcalls, whistling and teasing, or pe rsonal remarks about parts of the body, particularly legs, breast and hair. These forms of harassment are the hardest to identify and tackle. 2. Suggestive look and gestures, staring and leering. Such unwanted behavior is threatening because there is no immediate escape at work. Ignoring this behavior carries the risk of the harasser increasing his actions; acknowledging the harasser’s interest may be taken as acceptance; and complaining may be difficult if the harasser has power over the woman’s job. For example, a lady narrated how her boss will stand with his hands in his pockets as if rubbing his genitals. (Farley, p. 116, cited in Hadjifotu, 1983). . Persistent demands for dates and sexual favors either from a supervisor or co-worker. Direct questions and comments of the sort cannot be easily ignored. Two scenarios may result from this: rejection or avoidance of the harasser may fuel the myth that women ‘like to play hard to get’, and/or it may be difficult to persuade the harasser that his attentions are unwanted. An example is given of a woman whose boss visited her at odd hours during her night shift, asking her to have an affair with him, a night out, an afternoon, or just half an hour. (Night Nurse p. 4, cited in Hadjifotou, 1983). 4. Touching, pinching, caressing and hugging. A familiar excuse for this type of behavior is that it demonstrates friendship, but when the action is unwanted and repeated, it cannot be mistaken for genuine concern for a person’s well-being. (Kitchen Helper, p. 67, cited in Hadjifotou, 1983. ) 5. Violent sexual assault, rape or attempted rape. Such cases account for a very small proportion of sexual harassment at work. Fitzgerald et al (1988), using Till’s (1980) study on sexual harassment of college women, identified how sexual harassment progresses. This study describes 5 categories of sexual harassment which are all similar to that of Hadjifotou (1983) above to describe the 5 levels of sexual harassment: 1 -gender harassment: generalized sexist remarks and behavior. 2 -seductive behavior: inappropriate and offensive, but essentially sanction-free, sexual advances. 3 -sexual bribery: solicitation of sex activity or other sex linked behavior by promise of rewards. 4 -sexual coercion: coercion of sex activity by threat of punishment. 5 -sexual assault: gross sexual imposition Fitzgerald et al (1988) believe that gender harassment is perceived as the east serious behavior of sexual harassment, while sexual assault is perceived as the most serious of all the behaviors of sexual harassment. This means that the 5 levels of sexual harassment that have been identified is on a 1 to 5 scale where 1 is equal to less severe and 5 is equal to most severe. However, it is believed that gender harassment often leads to eventual sexual assault. Pattinson (1991) states that though sexual harassment does not just involve having sexual intercourse, it is more often than not the prime motivation. 2. 4 Effects Of Sexual Harassment on University Students It is difficult to assess the actual extent of the effects of sexual harassment as a whole. Though many studies indicate the issue to be widespread and take a serious toll on the victim, critics say that many studies get response only from people who have experienced sexual harassment, and such experiences might be exaggerated (www. de2. psu. edu/harssment/generalinfo. html). In schools however, many scholars complain that sexual harassment remains an unspoken secret, with teachers and administrators refusing to admit the problem exists in their schools, thereby, not accepting their legal and ethical responsibilities to deal with it. Dziech and Weiner, 1990). A 2002 study of students in the 8th to 11th grade, undertaken by the American Association of University Women (AAUW), revealed that 83% of girls have been sexually harassed and 28% of boys have been sexually harassed, by teachers and colleagues, (AAUW, 2002). Also in the association’s study, it was reported that 62% of fe male college students and 61% of male college students have been sexually harassed in their universities, with 80% of the reported harassments being peer-to-peer (AAUW, 2006). Headaches, backaches, nausea, weight loss or gain, sleep disturbance, neck pain, tiredness and psychological reactions, such as depression, anxiety, fear, anger, shame, guilt, helplessness, isolation, lowered self-esteem, lowered self-confidence, and nervousness are common for university students who fall prey to sexual harassment (AAUW, 2002). College students are known to have forfeited work, research, education comfort and even future career, due to sexual harassment (AAUW, 2002). Thacker, (1996) argues that formal education is an important factor in an individual’s career and personal development, and so stunting or obstructing a person’s educational accomplishment can have severe consequences. Further negative effects include lower morale, decreased job satisfaction, and poor time-keeping (Stanford and Gardiner, 1993). Previous researches have shown that over a period of time, even low level frequent sexual harassment can lead to significant negative consequences for student victims. (Schneider et al, 1997). According to Hadjifotou (1983), common effects on the college victims are: – Decreased work or school performance, and increased absenteeism. – Loss of job or career, which in turn leads to loss of income. – Having to drop courses, change academic plans. – Defamation of character and reputation. – Loss of reference and/or recommendations. In addition to the above, a survey of 903 female students conducted by Fitzgerald et al in 1988 (cited in Lin, 2006), at a University in the US Midwest, reported that victims of sexual harassment did not report their experiences because of 3 reasons: 1. They felt they might not be believed. 2. They did not want to cause trouble or be labeled as trouble makers. 3. They rather dealt with the problem themselves or, they had not perceived it as serious enough to be reported. 2. 5 Effects of Sexual Harassment on the Organization and the Community Sexual harassment is a widespread and continuing problem in workplaces and schools that cuts through occupational and professional categories, age groups, educational backgrounds, racial and ethnic groups and affects everybody (www. de2. psu. edu/harssment/generalinfo. html). On October 6, 1991, Anita Hill, a University Law Professor, notified the United States Judiciary Commission that she had been repeatedly harassed by Judge Clarence Thomas, a Washington DC Circuit Judge nominated to sit on the US Supreme court by President Bush. This incidence, Anita reported, occurred a decade earlier when they both worked at the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (Barton and Eichelberger, 1994). The U. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) reported a $1 million settlement of a class action lawsuit against Grace Culinary Systems, Inc. and Townsend Culinary, Inc. lleging egregious sexual harassment of 22 Hispanic women at a food processing plant in Laurel, Maryland. The suit charged the companies with routinely subjecting the female workers, all recent immigrants from Central America who spoke limited English, to unwanted groping and explicit requests for sexual favors by male managers and co-workers over several years (www. de2. psu. edu/harssment /generalinfo. html). The governor of Osaka was ordered to pay $ 107,000 to a university student in Japan's largest sexual harassment verdict, a ruling described as revolutionary in the size of the award and one that is expected to lead to more court cases. Japan has seen a growing number of lawsuits since a revised labor law prohibiting sexual harassment and sex discrimination took effect last April. In July, a court awarded $87,000 to a woman who said she was harassed and forced into a sexual relationship by a piano teacher while she was a university student (www. de2. psu. edu/harssment/generalinfo. html). WR Grace & Co agreed to a $1 million settlement in a sexual harassment suit. Managers at a food processing facility in Maryland were charged by the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission with the harassment of 22 female workers from Central America. The violations included the demanding of oral sex, touching of the women and exposing themselves to the women. According to commission officials, two pregnant women who refused the men's advances were fired (www. de2. psu. edu/harssment/generalinfo. html). As is seen in the examples above, financial loss is a major consequence of sexual harassment to organizations (Worsfold and McCann, 2000), and it is more expensive to ignore the problem of sexual harassment than to provide training to the employees and employers. Government officials are not left out in the criticisms and lawsuits levied against them on sexual harassment matters. In a 1990 survey of employees of the US Defense Department (Barton and Eichelberger, 1994), 64 percent of the findings in the military reported that they had endured sexual harassment while in service. Also surveyed are the cases of at least a dozen Senior Naval Officers who had been reassigned or demoted over charges of them harassing female Officers at a Las Vegas convention in the summer of 1991 (Barton and Eichelberger, 1994). O’Donohue et al (1998), summarize some of the effects of sexual harassment on the organizations as follows: -Decreased productivity: when sexual harassment occurs in the workplace, the individuals involved will be psychologically affected and may not perform as well as they ought. -Increased absenteeism of staff: staff that experience sexual harassment behaviors in the workplace tend to make excuses for not showing up for work. Increased healthcare costs and sick pay costs: in organizations where sexual harassment behaviors are prevalent, staff will incur more healthcare and sick pay costs during post harassment treatment. -Decreased ethical standards and discipline in the organization: organizations that condone sexual harassment behaviors and do not do anything about it will find a decrease in their ethical standards and discipline because employees will act in anyway they like knowing there will be no consequences. This is also bad for victims as they will feel no one cares about their predicament. Legal costs if complainants take issue to court: when victims file lawsuits against organizations, costs are incurred in settling the complainants or paying for the services of attorneys. 2. 6 Effects of Sexual Harassment on the Individual Rubenstein (1992) identifies anxiety, tension, irritability, depression, headaches, sleeplessness, fatigue and deterioration of personal relationships as stress related consequences of sexual harassment. Further negative effects on the individual include lower morale, decreased job satisfaction, and poor time-keeping (Stanford and Gardiner, 1993). Previous researches have shown that over a period of time, even low level frequent sexual harassment can lead to significant negative consequences for the victim (Schneider et al, 1997). 2. 7 Gender Differences In Sexual Harassment Sensitivity Gender has been a dominant aspect of sexual harassment research and has been shown to be a predictor of sexual harassment sensitivity (Crow et al, 1995). Research by Crow et al also suggests that males and females, do, in fact, differ in sensitivity to harassment. Major differences were found in the reaction to harassment of a non-sexual nature where women were more likely than men to perceive a given incident as harassment. As human beings, we grow up to be aware of who we are through being exposed to particular interpretations of what it is to be human- in this case, either male or female, masculine or feminine (Linstead et al, 2005). Traditionally, sexual harassment sensitivity has been looked at in terms of social-sexual behaviors based on gender (Crow et al, 1995). The traditional view from research is that gender has a significant impact on sex-role behaviors and sexual behaviors. It has become apparent that men and women automatically have different orientations towards sexually-related behaviors, which in turn results in different perceptions to sexual harassment (Reilly et al, 1986, cited in Crow et al, 1995). Tangri et al in their 1982 study (cited in Lin, 2006), state that females are more sexually attractive and so are more socially disadvantaged than their male counterparts. Therefore, Lin (2006) argues that females are more vulnerable to harassment than the males. Males as harassers and females as victims is the most common type of sexual harassment (O’Donohue et al, 1998). Men seem to be more tolerant of sexual harassment than women and tend to rate hypothetical scenarios and specific social behaviors as less harassing than women (Gutek, 1985 cited in Crow et al, 1995). Women are assumed to resent sexual overtures at work and tend to react more negatively to sexual harassment scenarios than men. Gender differences occur because men and women weigh information about the victim and the harasser differently (Carr et al, 1999). Men tend to be more influenced by incidental behaviors of the victim. For example, Pryor and Day, in their 1988 research (cited in Carr et al, 1999), found that men were more influenced than women by the information of how the victim dressed, thereby, attributing more blame to the victim than the harasser. Researchers of past surveys have had difficulty in defining sexual harassment and have attempted to identify behaviors that constitute sexual harassment by respondents of their survey (Worsfold and McCann, 2000). However, the most commonly reported forms of sexual harassment are gender related derogatory remarks, suggestive looks, and sexual comments ( Stanford and Gardiner, 1983). CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 1. Introduction This chapter outlines the research method, research design, and the research sample. The research method gives detailed information about the type of research that was utilized for this study and gives reasons why it was used. It also gives information on the kind of data that will be collected and which sources will be used. The research design gives information on the survey instrument used for the study, explaining the questions and their source. The research sample provides the reader with the population used for this survey and the reason why it was used for this study. 2. Research Methodology This research is an inquiry into the perceived differences on sexual harassment between male and female students of EMU, examining the size of the gender difference within specific behavioral categories in an attempt to identify those behaviors that produce the largest difference and provide accurate information about the actual size of the gender difference. Thus, this study uses the quantitative approach to test the hypotheses. The aim for using this method is to determine whether the predictive generalizations of the hypotheses hold true. The researcher uses questionnaires to collect data, and remains objectively separated from the subject matter of the research. 3. Survey A questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions and other prompts for the purpose of gathering information from respondents. Questionnaires were chosen for this research because this research involves a large sample, thereby making data entry and tabulation easier to analyze. Also, questionnaire surveys are familiar to most people, and generally do not make people apprehensive in answering questions. In addition, the researcher’s own opinions will not influence the respondent to answer questions in a certain manner, reducing bias, and also are less intrusive than telephone or face-to-face surveys, as the respondent is free to complete the questionnaire on his/her own time-table. 3. 1 Questionnaire Design This survey is designed to provide information distinguishing between reactions to both pervasiveness and severity of particular behaviors, as well as to provide information distinguishing between reactions to gender harassment, seductive behavior and sexual imposition. The questionnaire design used for this research was adopted from Nielson (1996). Nielson (1996) examined the perception of sexual harassment, focusing on the female office professional’s perspective. Self administered questionnaires will be given to respondents with assurance that data will only be used for this thesis research and not for any other purpose. The items of the survey instrument will be prepared in English and then translated into Turkish by using the back translation method. There will be a pilot study of students who will be given questionnaires to complete, so that the researcher could confirm if the questionnaire was well understood by the respondents. After confirming the questions were understood, the researcher will hand out the questionnaires to students in various classrooms after taking permission from the University administration. Questionnaires returned by the espondents will be analyzed using Windows SPSS 0. 8 and used according to the respective objectives and occasions. 300 questionnaires will be distributed. Demographic explanations for differing perceptions of sexual harassment will be tested based on the following research and proposed hypothesis. Based on the assumption that females are inclined to find social sexual behavior (dating and flirting) as more severe than boys, this study proposes that: H1- F emale students will perceive potentially harassing behavior as more severe than male students. Research found that men were more influenced than women by the information of how the victim dressed, thereby, attributing more blame to the victim than the harasser. Based on this information, the study proposes that: H2- male students will judge the victim more harshly than female students. Research shows that a person’s previous experience with regard to sexual harassment influences gender difference in perceptions of sexual harassment (Blakely et al, 1992, cited in Nielson, 1996). This means that if one has experienced sexual harassment behaviors, he/she will be more conscious and less tolerant of behavior considered as harassment. Based on this, this study proposes that: H3- students who respond to having been sexually harassed will perceive potentially harassing behavior as more severe than those who respond to not having been sexually harassed. Previous research shows that studies investigating sexual harassment has tended to exclude behaviors which are perceived to have a low potential to harass and have also provided respondents with limited responses. In attempting to deal with these issues, this survey utilized in this study is designed to measure students’ perceptions of a wide range of actual workplace behaviors which create varying levels of a hostile work environment. Within this variety of behaviors, both severity and frequency of the behavior will be manipulated. Therefore, the continuum to be used for this study is as follows: 1. Likely to consider it a compliment 2. Socially acceptable behavior 3. Annoying, but not likely to affect my studies 4. Disturbing to the point of affecting my studies, but no formal complaint 5. Basis for formal complaint, but not a lawsuit. 6. Basis for a lawsuit. The use of response options beyond formal complaint is to enhance the identification of behaviors that create a hostile work environment. Though such behaviors are typically not reported, they may have an adverse effect on the victim’s productivity, moral absenteeism and turnover. 3. 2 Survey Items. 1. Comment: â€Å"your hair looks nice† 2. Comment: â€Å"have you lost weight? † 3. Comment: â€Å" you have nice legs† 4. Comment: â€Å"your skirt is very short† 5. Comment: â€Å"your neckline is very low’ 6. Comment: â€Å"your clothes fit like a glove† . Comment: â€Å"you have an attractive build† 8. Opposite sex touches your hands 9. Opposite sex touches your arms/shoulder 10. Opposite sex asking for a date 11. Opposite sex touches your back 12. Opposite sex telling off-color jokes 13. Student forced into sex in school 14. Opposite sex asking for sexual f avors 15. Opposite sex touches your breasts 16. Hugs with caresses from opposite sex 17. Opposite sex touches your buttock 18. Opposite sex describing sexual abilities 19. Opposite sex staring, persistently 20. Observing peers having sex in the school environment 21. Peers discussing sexually related stories 22. magazines with pictures of people scantily clothed 23. Opposite sex touches your face 4. Research Sample The questionnaire survey will focus on students of E. M. U. in North Cyprus, who are registered as full time students. Purposive sampling is a sampling method in which elements are chosen based on purpose of the study. Purposive sampling may involve studying the entire population of some limited group (example, sociology faculty at Bilkent University) or a subset of a population (example, EMU faculty who has won a Nobel Prizes). As with other non-probability sampling methods, purposive sampling does not produce a sample that is representative of a larger population, but it can be exactly what is needed in some cases – study of organization, community, or some other clearly defined and relatively limited group. In this study, purposive sampling method was used, as the researcher decided to focus on students whose profiles are given above to get the specific information for the research. Table 3. 1 Questionnaire This questionnaire survey aims to investigate the perception of male and female students of EMU on sexual harassment. The researcher wishes to find out from you, whether the sexual harassment construct varies across two specific genders, comparing male and female samples as to what behaviors may be perceived as sexual harassment. Due to the sensitivity of the topic, be assured that whatever you say or write is strictly confidential and cannot be traced back to you, as you are not requested to write your name or any other personal information. Please answer the questions honestly and sincerely, as it is important for the output of this research. 1. What is your gender? a. Male b. Female 2. What age group are you? a. 16-20 b. 20-24 c. 25-28 3. What is your educational level at EMU? a. Year 1 b. Year 2 c. Year 3 d. Year 4 e. Graduate student. 4. What is your nationality? 5. For each of the scenarios depicted below, how would you rate such behavior? (In reference to the school environment). Kindly mark ‘X’ in boxes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 (as applicable to you). Where; 1= Likely to consider it a compliment. 2= Socially acceptable behavior. 3= Annoying, but not likely to affect my studies. = Disturbing to the point of affecting my studies, but no formal complaint 5= Basis for formal complaint, but not a lawsuit. 6= Basis for a lawsuit. 1 2 3 4 56 1. Comment: â€Å"your hair looks nice† 2. Comment: â€Å"have you lost weight? † 3. Comment: â€Å" you have nice legs† 4. comment: â€Å"your skirt is very short† 5. Comment: â€Å"your neckline is very low’ 6. Comment: â€Å"your clothes fit like a glove† 7. Comment: â€Å"you have an attractive build† 8. Opposite sex touches your hands 9. Opposite sex touches your arms/shoulders 10. Opposite sex asking for a date 11. Opposite sex touches your back 12. Opposite sex telling off-color jokes 13. Student forced into sex in school 14. Opposite sex asking for sexual favors 15. Opposite sex touches your breasts 16. Hugs with caresses from opposite sex 17. Opposite sex touches your buttocks 18. Opposite sex describes sexual abilities 19. Opposite sex staring, persistently 20. Observing peers having sex in the school environment 21. magazines with pictures of people scantily clothed 22. Peers discussing sexually related stories 23. Opposite sex touches your face 6. Please define what sexual harassment means to you——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————†”————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————â €”——————————————————————- Thank you very much for taking time out to help me in my research. For more information, or if you have problems filling out the questions, or if there’s anything you wish to talk about/discuss, please contact me: E-mail: [email  protected] com. 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